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Upgrade interrupted by power outage

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    Upgrade interrupted by power outage

    Yesterday during the upgrade from Gutsy to Hardy on KDE4, I lost power on my laptop so I had to shutdown. The last prompt that I responded to was the question regarding keeping or updating the samba configuration file.

    The resolution is too big and when I try to use the Update Manager, it just hangs.

    What commands do I need to run to continue the upgrade roughly where it left off?

    I'm sort of a newb cuz I'm still learning a lot about linux.  I've been a user since Breezy but I'm still dual-booting XP.


    Re: Upgrade interrupted by power outage

    this should resume the installation and configuration of packages:
    sudo apt-get install --fix-broken
    it works from "recovery mode" just as well.

    gnu/linux is not windoze


      Re: Upgrade interrupted by power outage

      it appears that this completed but I no longer can connect to my network. i used "Network" to select my network and then entered the Key to connect. It appears to be connected by I cannot even connect to in a browser.

      I ams also getting an error message:
      sudo: unable to resolve host cajun

      Any ideas?


        Re: Upgrade interrupted by power outage

        well, at least you're up and running...
        is this a wireless wpa-psk network you're talking about?
        i don't know much about how good or how bad kde4 is.
        and i don't know if/how knetworkmanager works with kde4.
        but the os underneath is still the same, so nothing's broken,
        we should be able to fix it...
        gnu/linux is not windoze

