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    HELP!! I have JUST upgraded my Gutsy to Hardy, and when it re-booted, it worked fine. Then, i log into windows, and then try to log back into Kubuntu. As i'm using Dual Boot, i notice that instead of the usual options, (Ubuntu kernel, Ubuntu Kernel(Restore), ubuntu Kernel(Memory Test), other, and Windows) it now shows 7, which are the above 5, but the 1st two are repeated for the upgrade. when i click the one for Hardy, a bunch of text flies past, and asks me for a login and password. So i put in my user name for linux, but before i get a chance to type my pass in, the screen goes blank, and then it flashes back up again, but i am unable to type my password. then the screen goes blank, and it just seems to hang there, but i am still able to check if it has froze by pressing caps lock, and it hasn't. then, nothing happens.

    Is there a way to resolve this problem?

    Please help!
    <a href="" title="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076"><img src="" alt="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076" /></a>

    Re: ARGH!!

    There are so many posts like this, reporting version upgrade problems through Adept--Why not simply do a clean, fresh install using live CD?
    (btw, I don't know how to solve your problem or several dozen others I see posted like this).
    => Always make a separate /home partition; always download fresh CD (check the CD: MD5sum & Check CD For Defects), partition edit with GParted Live CD (if necessary), and do fresh, clean, slick install. fwiw
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


      Re: ARGH!!

      Yeah, i just fromatted the partitions, and re-installed Kubuntu. thanks for helping anyways!
      <a href="" title="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076"><img src="" alt="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076" /></a>


        Re: ARGH!!

        But did you try one of the other, especially the Restore, options?


          Re: ARGH!!

          Yeah, it does the same thing. I just re-installed 7.10.
          <a href="" title="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076"><img src="" alt="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 22076" /></a>


            Re: ARGH!!

            When I upgrade Kubuntu I always

            * Make a back up of all my data !!! - I have a network disk to store my data. - And I especially takes care of .mozilla-thunderbird & .mozilla (I install them back after upgrade.)
            * I always make a fresh install. - Never use the upgrade function.
            * Because I have Windows XP as dualboot I also repair the Master Boot Record of Windows, with the recovering prompt of the Windows XP installer disk, so I don't have problems with Grub when I install the new Linux distro. Because I use Windows not much I don' t reïstall Windows.
            * I reformat the partition where Kubuntu is going to be installed. So no dirty partition and a clean start, when I see the partition editor in the installer.
            * Once a year I also clean my processor cooler.

            It is a lot of work, but I like systems which works and are clean.

            I think the dist-upgrade option is just a false promise. I think they could better remove this dist-upgrade tool. If you want to upgrade easily use a /home directory on a apart partition.
            Free as meant in alcohol free.<br />Teetotalism rulez. - XXX


              Re: ARGH!!


              I agree with every point you make, with just one comment:

              “I also repair the Master Boot Record of Windows, with the recovering prompt of the Windows XP installer disk.”

              No need. The new GRUB from the new, fresh installation will overwrite the old GRUB in the MBR. No problem.

              How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit

              “* Once a year I also clean my processor cooler. “

              Yes. It's amazing how dirt on the HSF (heatsink fan unit) that can cause temps to increase in your system (at the CPU sensors). In fact, if you have dogs (hair) or live in a dusty area (e.g., a desert region), you might need to clean more frequently, especially in the summer when the ambient is already too hot.

              And everything else you indicated are all good (IMO--I do the same):
              -- backup
              -- fresh install from Live CD
              -- re-partition/partition edit
              -- separate partition for /home

              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                Re: ARGH!!

                Well, upgrade or install, that's the question!
                If we trust the poll on the Ubuntu forum 41 % succeded with the upgrade but only 26 % with the install.
                I don't think your advice will be the best for everybody. With a lot of non-standard repo's and desktop effects you are probably right but it will take a long time reinstalling software. I have upgraded two systems, one Xubuntu and one Ubuntu on ancient laptops with no problems but they were very basic setups. My main desktop with Kubuntu I use for more serious tasks and I will wait a couple of weeks before I upgrade.

