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many quistions about kubuntu 8.04 kde4

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    many quistions about kubuntu 8.04 kde4

    where can i find documintations about kubuntu 8.04 with kde4? i cannt get adminstrative in system setting how to get it?i have 3 partitions ntfs when i try to mount it i have to enter admin pass how i could make it mount when startup without any admin pass? also when i open files in this partitions i get this error " klaunchers couldnt be reached via D-bus, error when calling start-service-by-desktop-path: empty"? what is this meaning?

    Re: many quistions about kubuntu 8.04 kde4

    I can answer one of your questions though you should have found it yourself as it is elementary to Ubuntu.

    Ubuntu does not use a root (admin for Microsoft) password, instead you temporarily elevate your own permissions to do the one task at hand.
    This is done by pre pending the command with sudo, su stands for Super User.

    So for your example of mounting the ntfs partitions you'd use:
    sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/DriveC
    As a result you'll be asked for your own password.

    This is assuming your drive C is indeed sda1 and you made a folder /media/DriveC.

    Please be aware you want the ntfs-3g package installed including ntfs-config.
    Running this ntfs-3g configuration tool is usually sufficient to get these partitions or disks mounted.

    Succes and don't hesitate to use google!


      Re: many quistions about kubuntu 8.04 kde4

      To enter system settings with root privileges, see
      Kubuntu 9.10<br />

