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Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

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    Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

    I noticed a strange thing with mine in that I had installed 8.04 and everything was great. Then I had increased my ram to 4G of OCZ DDR Platinum EL Dual Channel and 8.04 would just hang. I could boot into windoze XP SP2 no problem. So I tried the Live CD to eliminate a hard drive issue ( I have linux on it's own drive). No go, would not boot did the same thing. Removed 2 GB of Ram, booted no problem at all.
    Uninstalled 8.04 and reinstalled 7.04, reinstalled the other 2 GB of ram (4 GB again) and no problem 7.04 booted and ran perfectly. Just for #&%$s and giggles I reformated and tried to reinstall 8.04 would not work unless I only had 2 GB of ram!! Anyone else having this issue. I have tested the ram with Memtest and no errors.

    Asus P4P800-E DELUXE
    P4 - 3.0E
    4 GB OCZ DDR Platinum EL Dual Channel Ram
    160 GB Sata hdd (windoze XP)
    500 GB Sata hdd (Storage)
    40 GB Maxtor (Kubuntu)
    Nvidia 7300GT 512MB AGP 8X

    Re: Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

    I don't know if this will help but it might point you in the right direction:

    Good luck and keep us posted
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

      Originally posted by Fintan
      I don't know if this will help but it might point you in the right direction:

      Good luck and keep us posted

      Doesn't seem to apply to me as this is more for those running more than 4GB of Ram. But thanks for the link there is some good information there.


        Re: Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

        No one else have any ideas? I understand the 4GB limit of a 32 bit OS, however if windoze XP , 7.04, 7.10 all boot with NO concerns with the full 4 GB installed then I would have to believe that this is not the 4GB physical address issue.


          Re: Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

          Ok. Problem solved. It turned out to be a bios problem. Not sure what was changed or added in 8.04 but my MoBo didn't like it. So just for kicks updated to latest bios (which didn't have anything listed related memory or hardware issues) and Live CD (both Kubuntu and Ubuntu) booted up fine.

          That being said, Kubuntu 8.04 ran EXTREMELY slow. I mean painstakingly slow. Not sure what was up but after several hours (too many to count) I gave up on it and reinstalled 7.10. I will wait until 8.10 before trying again.


            Re: Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

            Interesting. I assume this problem is hardware related. Is your mobo or disk drive controller really old? It's unusual for Linux to have a "running slow" problem. I wonder whether there is something "off" in your configuration-- did you make at least 6GB of space available, make a 1GB or better swap space etc. etc?


              Re: Unable to install or boot with 4GB of Ram installed

              Most hardware on system is 3 yrs old or less. I have Linux on a dedicated 40GB drive. Windows XP on 160GB Sata and a 500GB Sata for storage. Video card is Nvidia 7300GT AGP8x with 512MB Ram. Processor is P4-3.0E GHZ with hyperthreading enabled.
              With 7.10 and Windows XP this system as configured is very fast. I use it for video and audio editing (that's why the massive amount of ram - really helps in video) and I use the 500GB drive for the work/temp folders so as to speed up editing/encoding processes.

              I'll wait and see what happens with 8.10.

              Maybe by then I will be able to get one of those nice Core2 processors!

