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upgrade feedback needed

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    upgrade feedback needed

    Hello all... could someone give e a feedback on this new kubuntu release? I have 3 laptops with kubuntu 7.10 use for work, and i cant decide if upgrade them or not. Looking this forum i read a lot of problems.. and sincerelly atm i have not the time for a clean reinstall. so here some questions:

    1) there is some serious reason to post-date my update ?

    2) looking on main site it suggest to use adept and updating should recognize the new release, and should compare the distro upgrade, but i triied that and the button doesnt appea. even "apt distro-upgrade" found not the new realease...

    3) if i chose to upgrade.. kde4 is now stable enough to be considered usable or its better stick with kde 3.5.9 untill kde4.1? i triied kde4 just after the release but imho was totally unusable ( imho was to be considerered a latest alpha , not even a beta) so i disinstalled it...

    4) if i upgrade the "kde4 version" of the latest kubuntu realease i will still see all apps duplicated ( version 4 and 3.X for the same app) in the k menu ?

    tnx in advance

    Re: upgrade feedback needed

    I like this thread, hope to see some feedback as well

    I did not upgrade yet, wanted to wait until I have time to work out any problems, seems I always have something that goes wrong. I think I will use the alternative disk, although the system upgrade using the network still looks tempting. I ran into problems using the network upgrade going to 7.1, but I don't remember what the problem was or what I had to do to fix it.


      Re: upgrade feedback needed

      Because a few persons had problems doesn't mean that you will get. I've had three successful upgrades and many others here have had successful upgrades. I'd suggest go the way recommended on the main kubuntu page. Most problems arise because of 3rd party repositories added to adept during the regular daily use. I'd suggest to make a backup of your sources.list and clear all non-standard repositories.

      I'd suggest that you stick with kde3.5 if you're looking for a smooth sailing. I'm not saying that kde4 is that buggy, but there are still stuff that needs smoothing out. There's a huge difference between the two especially when it comes to configurability. Some things that just worked in 3.5 won't work in 4. Remember, it was written fresh up from scratch.

      If you do a full blown kde4 install, yup, your kmenu is going to be filled with applications listed twice. Like I did, I only installed the base and the desktop for the basic essentials just as a test. I'd even suggest dual booting with kde4 or throwing it in a vm if you just want to mess around to see what it's like. That's just my opinion by the way. Others feel that it's good enough for daily use. However, if you're new to the Linux camp and has had little problems with 3.5, by all means stick with it for now until 4.1 is released. Again, it's just my opinion. Hope that clears the air somewhat for you.
      Challenges are what that keeps us from the borderline of boredom in life's journey. Linux user no. 419401 currently running Kubuntu 24.04
      Current System: Beelink Mini PC, AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 8 Core(Up to 4.4GHz), 32GB DDR4 RAM 1TB NVME M.2 SSD, SER5 MAX Mini Desktop Computer with TCL BeyondTV5 serving as my monitor. ​


        Re: upgrade feedback needed

        I did two of our 3 systems over the weekend. Neither went as one would hope but both are working OK. On the Dell 531, I originally used the alternative disk method but it shutdown with an error that it could not calculate the upgrade time or something like that, I then used the download method and after taking a long time to download it did finish the install which would not boot properly until I ran in safe mode and set up the x server. I did not try the alternative disk on the Dell 1420N laptop, used the online method, the downloading was much better , the servers must not have been as busy, the installation crashed during the configuration stage, once again just giving me the "bug report" dialog box. I ran apt-get several times trying different options such as -f install and autoclean etc. and after it booted up I removed a couple packages with Adept that would not/could not upgrade and all seems well with the laptop too. I do have a few programs that are not working yet, but i am confident they will be OK in the near future. I did not try selecting KDE4, xubuntu or ubuntu desktops.


          Re: upgrade feedback needed

          ok .. upgraded some of mine and here my feedback:

          laptop 1,
          reinstalled from stratch and installed hardy with kde4 with alternate cd. Installation finished fine, i see wireless, camera, don't see special buttons ( volume and so... ) odd thing is that i had not this issue with the old distro.

          My opinion about kde4: Crap... usability is around 1/5 of the old one.. its not just the personalization features that lacks ( colors, icons etc ..) i can easily go over this.. what i miss is the "easy to use". to be more clear .. where is the quick launch icons on the toll bar? i really must go trough k menu everytime i have to open my browser?? if i add manually shortcuts in the tool bar it goes in the fight side and there is no way to move them .. i have to remove all from tool bar and add them in the order i wish ... are we crazy

          i want to navigate in dirs? no shortcuts to dolphin or home dir... So again using this k menu to get dolphin to get my home dir ... very well designed .....

          Create an icon to desktop? try to right click and you cant ... SO if i cant use the space on my desktop to put items can i know why i have all this space Kde usability reminds me the old win95. My imprssin is that they really worked just for look&feel and special effects but im not sure the staff realy cared about the "every day work".

          I have special shadow effect but i cant get into my home dir .... i would rofl if its not so tragic ....

          Laptop 2
          upgraded it .. but adept is crap ( did not found the new release so did not gave me the dist-upgrade button) so i used the "classical Debian way":
          1) "vi /etc/apt/source.list" and changed "gutsy" to hardy
          2) commented all repositories i added manually in "/etc/apt/source.list.d/" ( i made a file per non official repository)
          2) apt-get update
          3) apt-get upgrade
          4) restart
          5) all is fine ( with new distro and old kde)

          Odd thing is: why this method was not mentioned in kubuntu official site? I know that kubuntu id graphic oriented, but if adept don't work ( NOTE: i removed all non official repositories from my list before t try the distro-upgrade) why don't at least help peopèle describing a command line option if those crap tools don't works? bah ....


            Re: upgrade feedback needed

            I had kubuntu 710 and tried Hardy beta about a month ago. I hammered it to unusable in about 20 minutes. Still had 710 on another partition, so no problem.

            Last week I installed OpenSUSE on a partition. It worked fine so I felt I could safely upgrade Kubuntu 710 to 8.04. Adept actually invited me to do that. I did and it worked fine (3.5.9).

            I then installed KDE4 per instructions I read some where. Seems to work OK. I just need to get used to it. The extra clicking in the K menu is the same in OpenSUSE which is KDE 3.

            I do like the favorites in K menu. I had no problem adding shortcuts to the desktop and the panel as ghillan did. The home folder is easily accessible.

            Bottom line? It's new and as I get used to it I like it. Change is good if one is adaptable.
            There are issues, but they will get worked out in time. I have found that a dual boot system is a life saver. It makes it nice to try new things and still be able to reboot an older distro if the new one gets messed up. A separate data partition is good too.

            Opinions are like rear-ends, everybody has one. Here's mine. (|)


              Re: upgrade feedback needed

              I'm very interested in this topic. I've been waiting for a long time for the LTR because I don't want to mess with changing versions every 6 months. I don't mind updates but that's it. I just want a OS that is reliable for my needs. And I HOPE Adept gives me a smooth upgrade because I hate trashing / to reinstall.
              Alvin ARS ka9qlq
              Kubuntu 12.04 on a AMD X2 6000+ Asus M3A78-CM 4 GB RAM ATI Radeon 3100 256MB & 2 TB SATA HD
              Just believing there IS a God won't get you to Heaven.
              Accepting Jesus as your Lord and master is the only way!


                Re: upgrade feedback needed

                Upgraded my main desktop and it worked a dream (it was to the beta release)

                Just updated my laptop, minor nightmare. Mainly as I did not have what I thought was a useless meta package installed. Kubuntu-Desktop. Got rid of it as I do not use the HP stuff and a few other things. Alas the adept scrip for updating needs this to tell what you are currently running (why there are many other ways) and tells you to install it. This is after its updated all your sources lists to hardy. You install it, and it thinks you have hardy, refuses to get lock, mucks about for ages.

                Of to the commmand line, back to debian days and issue

                sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
                Anyway, it seems to beworking now, its only mucked up a couple of the nice settings I had for my desktop, so back to wishing I had saved what I was using as a theme. Of abd getting 'Bus Error' on firefox, must work that one out!!! so running debsums to see if anything has got corrupted.


                  Re: upgrade feedback needed

                  And sorted it out. Flash-nonfree did not update properly, removed it and reinstalled it. Now works fine. Oh yeah, running i386 on an amd64


                    Re: upgrade feedback needed

                    Adept offered me an upgrade but I felt a clean fresh install would have advantages so I backed up my home directory to an external USB disk.

                    My first install was the mixer kde4 version and it excelled in prettiness combined with a near total lack of configurability.

                    I fully concur with Ghillan findings adding that KDE4 is not even a shade of 3.5.

                    After a second install of KDE4 after the first one got trashed when I tried to do the impossible, configure it, I found it seriously lacking in what I expect of Linux and for a third install went with the proven KDE3.5.

                    Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE3.5 is as far as I can see a really nice distro which will become better in one or two months when the quirks have been fixed.

                    The only two serious ones I have so far seen are the inability for netmanager to deal with WPA encryption, after a tip in this forum I fixed it by installing wicd.
                    The other one is with Compiz, when using i855 video hardware it's just not stable and will eventually lock up.

                    Contrary to some I do understand and agree with Firefox 3b5 as the standard browser, it's plain better than ff2.
                    Yes it's beta, yes some plug-ins are not yet available but for outright browsing it is superior.

                    Those that 'need' their old plug-ins can easily install Firefox 2.

                    A third problem I have is the inability to change the colour depth of my i855 video from 24 to 16 bit but so far it only disables a few Google Earth options.
                    xorg.conf has nothing relevant in it and I have not yet found where these settings are.


                      Re: upgrade feedback needed

                      I upgraded my third system today, using a new "Hardy" sources.lst and apt-get
                      ( sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ) and I think that method worked better than either of the previous upgrades using the alternative cd or adept.

