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Where did my keyboard layout go?

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    Where did my keyboard layout go?

    During the later upgrades of xorg, the possibility to change keyboard layot has been lost.

    I can't use my Norwegian keyboard special keys, and I can't assign the Euro symbol to the e-key.

    It is the same in KDE 3 and 4 and Xfce.

    The xorg.comf file has this entry:

    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier	"Generic Keyboard"
    	Driver		"kbd"
    	Option		"XkbRules"	"xorg"
    	Option		"XkbModel"	"pc105"
    	Option		"XkbLayout"	"no"
    	Option		"XkbVariant"	"no"
    I've tried the earlier tricks of enabling Swedish, including the US, and changing the layout type - nothing will work.

    Anyone having any luck using national keyboards?

    Re: Where did my keyboard layout go?


    Maybe you should have a look at the "System Settings / Keyboard & Mouse" from the KMenu menu.
    That should help you get the keyboard you want.

    The X-Windows parameters file is best left alone, because KDE and GNOME are too complex to be configured from the bottom up.

    Hope this helps.
    -- <br />A.J. Bonnema, Leiden The Netherlands,<br />user #328198 (Linux Counter


      Re: Where did my keyboard layout go?

      Originally posted by abonnema

      Maybe you should have a look at the "System Settings / Keyboard & Mouse" from the KMenu menu.
      That should help you get the keyboard you want.

      The X-Windows parameters file is best left alone, because KDE and GNOME are too complex to be configured from the bottom up.

      Hope this helps.
      Sorry, this is what I did first. Used to work - but not any more.

      I did one new test - what I have is a Norwegian keyboard layout - but it does not show the three special characters, and not any Alt Grey combinations.

