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hardy nvidia trouble SOLVED

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    hardy nvidia trouble SOLVED

    The upgrade to hardy is not a smooth ride here.

    At first kde would not start saying I needed to install displayconfig-gtk to configure x, so I did, no result.
    Then I installed the envyng commandline version, it seemed to install the nvidia driver but upon start kde says 'Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode, your screen and card could not be detected'. It has a button which says 'Configure' but that didn't get me anywhere.
    When I am in kde it's 800x600 mode while this widescreen monitor has 1650x1050, so not good.
    Starting nvidia-settings gives: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.
    If I do that I sometimes get an error, but just now I got only two warnings.
    One time I tried 'sudo modprobe nvidia' and got a message saying something like 'could not insert nvidia because it's not used in xorg.conf'

    I don't think the driver loads, I see no splash screen, something in the new xorg.conf is preventing it?

    More to come...
    Greetings from Groningen Netherlands

    Re: hardy nvidia trouble

    Ok, the xorg.conf that I got was very minimal.

    Then I used 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' (allthough I read that this is not supported in hardy anymore). It got me a bigger xorg.conf.

    Then I did 'sudo nvidia-xconfig' and got this error:

    VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.
    Device section "Configured Video Device" must have a
    Driver line.

    Looking at xorg.conf I see no section "Configured Video Device", but I do have:

    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Device0"
    Driver "nvidia"
    VendorName "NVIDIA Corporation"
    Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


      Re: hardy nvidia trouble

      I changed things around in my xorg.conf so that it now contains a "Configured Video Device".
      Doing nvidia-xconfig does not give errors anymore and puts Driver "nvidia" in there.
      But after restarting X it reads "vesa" again.

      Here is my xorg.conf

      # xorg.conf (X.Org X Window System server configuration file)
      # This file was generated by failsafeDexconf, using
      # values from the debconf database and some overrides to use vesa mode.
      # You should use dexconf or another such tool for creating a "real" xorg.conf
      # For example:
      # sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
      Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
      Driver "kbd"
      Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
      Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
      Option "XkbLayout" "us"

      Section "InputDevice"
      Identifier "Configured Mouse"
      Driver "mouse"
      Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

      Section "Device"
      Identifier "Configured Video Device"
      Driver "vesa"

      Section "Monitor"
      Identifier "Configured Monitor"

      Section "Screen"
      Identifier "Default Screen"
      Device "Configured Video Device"
      Monitor "Configured Monitor"
      SubSection "Display"
      Modes "800x600"

      Section "ServerLayout"
      Identifier "Default Layout"
      Screen "Default Screen"
      Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


        Re: hardy nvidia trouble

        It's 5 hours searching now.

        I tried to follow this
        which advises to download the drivers from nvidia and run that install.

        It got me this:

        No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel, would you like to download one from the nvidia site?
        Answering yes (please please got me 'Can't find any, the installer needs to compile one'.
        Answering yes again gives: Your kernel is a XEN kernel, does not work in current nvidia, please install a kernel without XEN support and no special kernels.

        Duh, I only used the upgraded kernel:
        jean@main:~$ uname -r

        Dibllllll where are you when I need you.

        Edit: trying to run the installer with the 14 kernel gives an error about the gcc version and trying to run the installer from the kubuntu (not server) livecd gives an error about libc6.

        I'm tired and thinking of going back to xp for a few months. I got lots of stuff working there which I am still searching for in linux, not that I don't want to put in the effort, but...
        Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


          Re: hardy nvidia trouble SOLVED

          I installed hardy from scratch and problems are solved.
          Obviously the server edition and the nividia drivers in hardy / xorg 7 are not friends.
          Hardy looks great. I accidently did winkey-m in compiz, hadn't seen that, wow.

          Greetings from Groningen Netherlands

