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Allow Root Login

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    Allow Root Login

    I just upgraded to Hardy from Gutsy with kdm-kde4 as the default. Unfortunately, my settings have been wiped out. Most importantly, I can no longer log on under the root account. Previously, I had altered etc/kde3/kdmrc to allow for root logins. etc/kde4 does not have a kdmrc file and thus I have no idea how to set it back so that I can log in under the root account. I have tried to c/p the kdmrc file from etc/kde3 to etc/kde4 and I get an "Access Denied" message. This is my machine that I spent over $1000 to build. I should never, ever have to see an "access denied" of any kind.

    In any event, I am wondering if anyone knows how to enable root login under the new configurations.

    Re: Allow Root Login

    Originally posted by Dipper

    This is my machine that I spent over $1000 to build. I should never, ever have to see an "access denied" of any kind.
    Heh. Precisely why I decided 2 years ago to say "Good-bye" to Windows and Microsoft!

    I just scouted around and could not find a KDE4 equivalent to the kdmrc file that you mentioned -- I still have that one too.

    I assume you can open a Konsole, enter "sudo su" and your password, and "become" root if you want to. I think you're talking about running the X server as root? And I do believe it is set by default not to permit the root user to run the X server. Do you get an "access denied" if you issue "startx" from the root user's command line?


      Re: Allow Root Login

      kde4's kdnrc is in a different location:
      you might be able to edit this file


        Re: Allow Root Login

        Many thanks to those who helped. Here's the summary of what I've found in case anyone else wants to do this:

        1. Set the root password
        sudo passwd root
        2. Open Kate as a root
        kdesudo /usr/lib/kde4/bin/kate
        3. Open the following file from Kate
        4. Find
        5. Change to
        6. Save, Reboot, Login as root


          Re: Allow Root Login

          This is purely out of curiosity. I do not intend to criticize your practice in any way. I just wonder what kind of needs you have that require logging in KDE as root? As dibl mentioned, you can always log in as yourself and use "sudo / kdesudo" to perform superuser tasks.
          Registered Linux User: #281828 | Kubuntu User: #22280

          Kubuntu 18.04 LTS
          Dell Precision Workstation T5500 (Xeon @ 2.13GHz x 2 / 12 GB RAM)


            Re: Allow Root Login

            I don't really have any needs that require graphical login. It's simply the way I prefer to run my system: I don't want to have to type commands or enter passwords when operating my system. I think all the talk about the root account being unsafe to use are way overblown. And when I do screw something up (yes, it has happened), I can always reinstall. I have complete backups of my OS and all my data. I never leave anything on the hard drive.


              Re: Allow Root Login

              Originally posted by Dipper

              I can always reinstall. I have complete backups of my OS and all my data. I never leave anything on the hard drive.
              That is a most interesting philosophy of how to run a Linux desktop system -- pretty unique, I'd say.

              Happily, the open source community is ... open, and unique ideas are welcome. If it's working for you, great!


                Re: Allow Root Login

                Originally posted by dibl
                Originally posted by Dipper
                I can always reinstall. I have complete backups of my OS and all my data. I never leave anything on the hard drive.
                That is a most interesting philosophy of how to run a Linux desktop system -- pretty unique, I'd say.

                Happily, the open source community is ... open, and unique ideas are welcome. If it's working for you, great!
                Indeed. He is probably a careful user, too. For me, running Linux as root is a lot riskier than running Windows as admin, because I tent to use CLI a lot more on Linux where removing something critical can be irreversible (i.e. no "Are you sure?" warning).
                Registered Linux User: #281828 | Kubuntu User: #22280

                Kubuntu 18.04 LTS
                Dell Precision Workstation T5500 (Xeon @ 2.13GHz x 2 / 12 GB RAM)


                  Re: Allow Root Login

                  Yes, me too. When I first installed Linux on my (expensive) desktop system, I also was somewhat insulted by the "you are not allowed to do this, you stupid user" tone of some of the warnings and errors that I observed. After all, I bought and built the damned thing!

                  However, after inflicting enough damage on the OS that it required reinstallation, multiple times, I came to respect the sensibility of separating routine user operations from "the force" of the Super User, with its non-obvious but always-present capability to make undesired changes to important things throughout the system. So, I sudo and kdesu as needed.

