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Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

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    Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

    I downloaded the Kubuntu 8.04 RC alternate CD this morning. Looked at the instructions at

    for updating from CD. It gets as far as 'Setting new software channels' (not 'modifying the software channels' like the instructions say...) and then I get the message:

    Error during update...blah..blah
    Failed to fetch Unable to find expected entry main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?)

    Tried again a couple of times just for the hell of it but with the same result. Also tried the update from the Internet method but adept manager does not show a 'Version Upgrade' button.

    Anyway else been able to update from CD or over the Internet?

    Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

    Originally posted by arizonagroovejet
    Also tried the update from the Internet method but adept manager does not show a 'Version Upgrade' button.

    Anyway else been able to update from CD or over the Internet?
    Yes, see my post at:



      Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

      Originally posted by Specialist
      So from reading your thread I've learnt that when I went to and read the "Kubuntu 8.04 Release Candidate" post and followed the link that to instructions on how to upgrade, I was taken to instructions which do not work for upgrading to a release candidate. Some might say that was not very helpful...

      If I run
       kdesu "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel"
      instead of the what the instructions provided tell me to run, then I do get the Version Upgrade button. The upgrade then fails in the way I described before.


        Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

        Decided to file a bug report but found someone already has so I just added to it.


          Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

          Originally posted by arizonagroovejet
          Decided to file a bug report but found someone already has so I just added to it.

          When do you think it will be repaired??
          I had the same problem, but I downloaded live CD from which you can't upgrade (or at least that's what i thought)
          Anyway: Do you think after this bug is repaired i will bi able to upgrade from adept manager or will I need to download alternate CD of RC?
          I'm magnet for errors, problems and bugs...


            Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

            During my upgrade process to go from Hardy Heron B to RC it tells me that I there are no upgrades available for me. Maybe I should just wait until Thursday and snag the full release.
            Kubuntu II on both Laptop and Desktop and some servers here at the office


              Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

              Well I've been able to upgrade. I commented out the line

              deb [url][/url] gutsy main
              In /etc/apt/sources.list and the update then worked. Well I say worked. The first time it failed due to something to do with has sum errors on some packages on the CD. This is after it had spent about three freakin hours downloading nearly 1GB of updates. I then tried updating via the Internet to see if it would try and download that 1GB again, it didn't, so I waited about another hour whilst it downloaded another ~550MB (presumably stuff it got off the CD in the previous update attempt) and that time the update worked.


                Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

                Good Lord -- no wonder you were having trouble! I wonder what that Gutsy repo was doing in there?

                FYI, here's a known good source.list file (for U.S.A location, obviously):

                # deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Alpha amd64 (20080221.1)]/ hardy main restricted
                # deb cdrom:[Kubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Alpha amd64 (20080221.1)]/ hardy main restricted
                # See [url][/url] for how to upgrade to
                # newer versions of the distribution.
                deb [url][/url] hardy main restricted
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy main restricted
                ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
                ## distribution.
                deb [url][/url] hardy-updates main restricted
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy-updates main restricted
                ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
                ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to
                ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in
                ## universe WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu security
                ## team.
                deb [url][/url] hardy universe
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy universe
                deb [url][/url] hardy-updates universe
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy-updates universe
                ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu 
                ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to 
                ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in 
                ## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
                ## security team.
                deb [url][/url] hardy multiverse
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy multiverse
                deb [url][/url] hardy-updates multiverse
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy-updates multiverse
                ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'
                ## repository.
                ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
                ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
                ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
                ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
                ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
                # deb [url][/url] hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
                # deb-src [url][/url] hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
                ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
                ## 'partner' repository. This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is
                ## offered by Canonical and the respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu
                ## users.
                deb [url][/url] hardy partner
                # deb-src [url][/url] hardy partner
                deb [url][/url] hardy-security main restricted
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy-security main restricted
                deb [url][/url] hardy-security universe
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy-security universe
                deb [url][/url] hardy-security multiverse
                deb-src [url][/url] hardy-security multiverse


                  Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

                  Originally posted by dibl
                  I wonder what that Gutsy repo was doing in there?
                  I think it was there for vmware. I don't see what you're good lord-ing about, I was running gutsy so I had a sources.list full of gutsy repos.


                    Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

                    Originally posted by TheFuzz4
                    During my upgrade process to go from Hardy Heron B to RC it tells me that I there are no upgrades available for me. Maybe I should just wait until Thursday and snag the full release.
                    The dist-upgrade thing is for upgrading from Gutsy to Hardy only.

                    The beta is updated automatically into RC and then into the final release, just make sure you update regularly. That's why there are no new updates.
                    The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


                      Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

                      I couldn't get the internet update to work. I D/L'd the alternative install cd and followed the online instructions.................still no update.
                      I opened the cd in dolphin and right clicked the update script and selected "run as root". Got upgraded to 8.04.

                      So far so good. The only thing that I didn't care for was Firefox 3 B5 was the default and it was incompatible with some of my add ons.
                      root@americanrepublic:~$ apt-get install freedom<a href="" title="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 28196"><img src="" alt="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 28196" /></a>


                        Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

                        Wubi install on an Acer laptop (AMD64) went smoothly. Does not allow Administrator login to tweak network or monitor settings.
                        root@americanrepublic:~$ apt-get install freedom<a href="" title="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 28196"><img src="" alt="The Ubuntu Counter Project - user number # 28196" /></a>


                          Re: Updating to Kubuntu 8.04 RC doesn't work.

                          Originally posted by arizonagroovejet
                          Anyway else been able to update from CD or over the Internet?
                          Yes. Changed all the sources references from gutsy to hardy on my stepfather's PC last night: Updated with no problem.
                          Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.

