Just a couple of concerns about the final 8.04 for Kubuntu.
Quite frankly, KDE 4 - while an exciting development - doesn't sound like it's quite ready for prime time. I've seen postings that indicate that KDE 4 will be fairly stable, but not "complete". I'm not sure what that means. Also, when Canonical says that KDE 3.5.9 gets commercial support and KDE 4 gets community support, what does that mean for everyday, non-commercial Kubuntu 8.04 users who choose KDE 3.5 as their desktop of choice (like me, probably) in terms of security fixes, etc.?
Quite frankly, KDE 4 - while an exciting development - doesn't sound like it's quite ready for prime time. I've seen postings that indicate that KDE 4 will be fairly stable, but not "complete". I'm not sure what that means. Also, when Canonical says that KDE 3.5.9 gets commercial support and KDE 4 gets community support, what does that mean for everyday, non-commercial Kubuntu 8.04 users who choose KDE 3.5 as their desktop of choice (like me, probably) in terms of security fixes, etc.?