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Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

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    Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

    Today, I was happily setting my system up after a clean install....

    Then when I applied the latest updates, low and behold, my login-window background and background of the PC have turned into a very low quality unicorn wallpaper. :P

    Now I know a lot of us asked for the original slick blue backgrounds, but someone at the art department got urls mixed up I think.

    So, who was playing with the wallpapers? :P

    Oh, and can we get the good looking one back now?


    Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

    April fools

    [img width=400 height=310][/img]
    [img width=400 height=138][/img]


      Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

      Dang, didn't think of that one!

      Cute one, now I only hope they don't forget to turn it back. :P


        Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

        gotta love it, personally, not my thing...

        system settings/login manager and choose your background image, for me it will be Alta Badia


          Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

          I'd love to but when I go to the 'Login Manager', my xorg crashed! Not only that but several other System Settings are now crashing xorg (Service Manager and Sharing under Network & Connectivity to name a couple more).

          This is not a very funny joke, April Fools or not. I was trying to be productive this morning and the system was crashing all over the place and it NEVER does that.

          I've been a faithful Kubuntu user for nearly 3 years now and this is the lowest the developers have gone.

          PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE turn off the Unicorn (I can't because my Login Manger crashes) and DON'T DO THIS AGAIN.

          Thank you.


            Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

            Well, I think I've discovered part of the problem with the crashing xorg and Login Manager. If I start system settings from console like so:

            footer@kubuntu64:~$ sudo systemsettings
            Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-footer" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
            I can launch all the apps without issue. But I suspect the uid of 1000 vs. 0 is what's causing the crashing problem.

            I'd sure like to hear about any other Hardy systems out there that this might be occuring on. Is this also a cruel April Fools joke



              Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

              Yes, it's an April Fool's joke, but more stupid than cruel. >


                Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?


                Have you tried changing the permissions?

                Perhaps "chmod +rw '/var/tmp/kdecache-footer'
                "chmod 777 ''?

                Somehow I missed out on that. Probably because I am running Gutsy...
                The answers are out there...


                  Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

                  Originally posted by footer
                  Well, I think I've discovered part of the problem with the crashing xorg and Login Manager. If I start system settings from console like so:

                  footer@kubuntu64:~$ sudo systemsettings
                  Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-footer" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                  I can launch all the apps without issue. But I suspect the uid of 1000 vs. 0 is what's causing the crashing problem.

                  I'd sure like to hear about any other Hardy systems out there that this might be occuring on. Is this also a cruel April Fools joke

                  I have the same issue on Hardy KDE3.5 64.

                  There are several KDE configuration programs that give me this error. Never thought much of it, but now that you mention it, it might be the cause of other problems as well.

                  When I have some time I'll look into it and see if I can file some bug reports.

                  As an example: if I start kooka as root [sudo kooka] I get the same error on a file that even carries my login name:
                  Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-marc" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.
                  I think with the installation some permission settings are not set right, and this might be the cause for problems like scanners, all-in-one printer/scanners, etc.



                    Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

                    Originally posted by jcphil
                    Yes, it's an April Fool's joke, but more stupid than cruel. >
                    It's stupid, cruel and TOTALLY uncalled for, in my humble opinion. Granted, Kubuntu is FREE software and Hardy is still in development (Gutsy didn't do this as Monster_user pointed out above) but still ... Not that anyone owes us an apology but I sort of felt violated by an otherwise, excellent Linux distro.

                    I'll repeat: I've been a faithful Kubuntu user for nearly 3 years. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with it and will continue to do so. To date, I have not seen this sort of thing and I've never experienced xorg crashes like this. However, it's difficult to sell to your friends and relatives when this sort of childish prank occurs. OK, it's April Fools. I get that but I'm still not happy about it.

                    Are there any other "April Fools" jokes that have been inserted into my beloved desktop OS that I haven't discovered yet?

                    <off soap box>


                      Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

                      It's stupid, cruel and TOTALLY uncalled for, in my humble opinion.
                      Woah hold on there buddy, you need to untangle your knickers and get over yourself... Cruel? A change in login wallpaper is CRUEL? What are you smoking?

                      The unicorn is what people like to call a "prank" and is kind of the point of April fools day... I'm sorry if you've felt somehow emasculated by having your desktop made "a bit gay", but you seriously need to grow up and/or get a sense of humour.

                      The comments here about breakages/etc: that was nothing to do with April 1st, that was just normal, beta-software, breakage. Suck it up, it's par for the course. If you don't like it, reinstall Gutsy.

                      What a load of whining (yes, me included) *sigh*


                        Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

                        Originally posted by mafitzpatrick
                        It's stupid, cruel and TOTALLY uncalled for, in my humble opinion.
                        Woah hold on there buddy, you need to untangle your knickers and get over yourself... Cruel? A change in login wallpaper is CRUEL? What are you smoking?

                        The unicorn is what people like to call a "prank" and is kind of the point of April fools day... I'm sorry if you've felt somehow emasculated by having your desktop made "a bit gay", but you seriously need to grow up and/or get a sense of humour.

                        The comments here about breakages/etc: that was nothing to do with April 1st, that was just normal, beta-software, breakage. Suck it up, it's par for the course. If you don't like it, reinstall Gutsy.

                        What a load of whining (yes, me included) *sigh*
                        Yep, just a joke and relatively easy to fix. See this link, but I'd wait to see if they change it back.



                          Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

                          Originally posted by mafitzpatrick
                          It's stupid, cruel and TOTALLY uncalled for, in my humble opinion.
                          Woah hold on there buddy, you need to untangle your knickers and get over yourself... Cruel? A change in login wallpaper is CRUEL? What are you smoking?

                          The unicorn is what people like to call a "prank" and is kind of the point of April fools day... I'm sorry if you've felt somehow emasculated by having your desktop made "a bit gay", but you seriously need to grow up and/or get a sense of humour.

                          The comments here about breakages/etc: that was nothing to do with April 1st, that was just normal, beta-software, breakage. Suck it up, it's par for the course. If you don't like it, reinstall Gutsy.

                          What a load of whining (yes, me included) *sigh*
                          OK, I'm better now. I honestly did not know the Unicorn represented a 'prank' but I do now. I guess if that was the only thing that happened to my desktop on April 1st, I wouldn't have been so upset. In fact, had my system settings not crashed xorg, I may have never noticed the Unicorn since I rarely reboot my system and prior to April 1st, I don't recall my system settings EVER crashing xorg!

                          So in reality, I was most upset about xorg crashing when doing routine things in system settings and the Unicorn was just one more 'nail in the coffin' that came at a very bad time and I needed to express my opinion (OK, VENT!) about it somewhere.

                          I promise to try not to get so bent out of shape next April Fool's Day but my point is, your OS is not the place for this sort of thing and it sort of takes the credibility out of the distro and the trust you've placed in it as the solid, working desktop we all know and love.

                          Thanks for listening!


                            Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

                            So in reality, I was most upset about xorg crashing when doing routine things in system settings and the Unicorn was just one more 'nail in the coffin' that came at a very bad time and I needed to express my opinion (OK, VENT!) about it somewhere.
                            I actually can understand that. At least, I hope, we did listen and helped.


                              Re: Ok, what's the deal with the unicorn?

                              I can actually understand that the joke would probably have been lost if your system died a death A case of bad timing I guess.... updates have been getting a little flaky for me recently, nothing serious but lets just say I double check the forums before I restart!

