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Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4 -- kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

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    Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4 -- kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

    hi everyone

    I've installed Kubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) Alpha 4 on a partition (hd0,5) and then installed Kde 4, VLC Player and other softwares through "Adept Manager".

    Now every time I try to boot Kubuntu I get this:


    Loading, please wait...
    kinit: name_to_dev_t(dev/disk/by-uuid/6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea) = sda5(8,5)
    kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea
    kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

    Ubuntu hardy (development branch) xpc tty1

    xpc login:


    After entering my username and pass when I enter " startx ", it does start Kde (graphical mode; KDE 3.5.8 ).

    Now in " Log Out... " I get only one option of "Log Out", NO shutdown / restart options in there.

    So in the terminal window, after becoming root, I entered " Poweroff " to turn off the system but when I try to boot Kubuntu, I got the same error.

    After starting Kde (again by " startx "), I ran "sudo blkid " to get UUIDs:

    /dev/sda1: UUID="18FC07D6FC07ACD6" TYPE="ntfs"
    /dev/sda5: TYPE="swap"

    /dev/sda6: UUID="b426e776-3cfe-4276-a68a-cab7ba0f8d36"
    SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    /dev/sda7: UUID="8f52bff8-ebba-41bd-9ecb-ed7bb8ec161f"
    SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    /dev/sda8: UUID="40d52ce1-4425-4928-89b0-12e476546d6b"
    SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    /dev/sda9: LABEL="/"
    SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    /dev/sda10: TYPE="ufs"
    /dev/sda13: TYPE="ufs"
    /dev/sdb1: UUID="68722da8-47a8-4687-88a6-89930c0b4daf"
    SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
    /dev/sdb2: UUID="6368746f-2074-616b-6f65-207575696400"
    SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"

    which are same as in /etc/fstab:

    # /dev/sda6
    UUID=b426e776-3cfe-4276-a68a-cab7ba0f8d36 /
    ext3 errors=remount-ro 0 1
    # /dev/sda1
    UUID=18FC07D6FC07ACD6 /media/sda1 ntfs
    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 0 1
    # /dev/sda7
    UUID=8f52bff8-ebba-41bd-9ecb-ed7bb8ec161f /media/sda7
    ext3 defaults 0 2
    # /dev/sda8
    UUID=40d52ce1-4425-4928-89b0-12e476546d6b /media/sda8
    ext3 defaults 0 2
    # /dev/sda9
    UUID=3fde040e-705b-4b40-82c4-90a0c1a91ee3 /media/sda9
    ext3 defaults 0 2
    # /dev/sdb1
    UUID=68722da8-47a8-4687-88a6-89930c0b4daf /media/sdb1
    ext3 defaults 0 2
    # /dev/sdb2
    UUID=6368746f-2074-616b-6f65-207575696400 /media/sdb2
    ext3 defaults 0 2
    # /dev/sda5
    UUID=6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea none
    swap sw 0 0

    /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660
    user,noauto,exec 0 0

    and here's Grub > Menu.lst for Kubuntu:

    title Ubuntu hardy (development branch), kernel
    root (hd0,5)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-5-generic
    root=UUID=b426e776-3cfe-4276-a68a-cab7ba0f8d36 ro
    quiet splash
    initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-5-generic

    When I open System Settings > Computer Administration > Monitor & Display, I get this message:


    The module Monitor & Display could not be loaded.

    The diagnostics is:
    Library files for "" not found in paths.

    Possible reasons:

    *An error occurred during your last KDE upgrade leaving an orphaned control module
    *You have old third party modules lying around.

    Check these points carefully and try to remove the module mentioned in the error message. If this fails, consider contacting your distributor or packager.


    Now I don't know whether Monitor & Display error is connected with "kinit: No resume image..." or not.

    Any help is highly appreciated, thanks alott in advance.

    - Jags
    Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1

    Re: Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4 -- kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

    Update ::

    After reading this Ubuntu forum post ( )

    I did following:

    sudo ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/

    now, when I open System Settings > Computer Administration > Monitor & Display,

    I get the same error as before, The module Monitor & Display could not be loaded,

    except, this line is NOT in there anymore: " Library files for "" not found in paths "

    - Jags
    Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1


      Re: Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4 -- kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

      I don't know if they are related but I get that message:
      init: name_to_dev_t(dev/disk/by-uuid/6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea) = sda5(8,5)
      kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea
      Every time I install a Kubuntu from GG upwoards. God I hat uuid's!

      anyway what I do is to edit the fstab file from for example:
      # /dev/sda5
      UUID=6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea none
      swap sw 0 0
      /dev/sda5 swap sw 0 0
      #UUID=6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea none
      swap sw 0 0

      After that it boots fine. As I said I don't know if that will solve your problem.

      as for the system settings options in HH, well HH is still alpha and if experience serves the LAST thing that is fixed are system setting issues.

      I just edit the /etc/x11/xorg.config file directly if I have to, which luckily hasn't been the case for a while.

      But having read your post again it seems you have a kdm problem.
      Try editing your fstab first and reboot. If your kdm comes up all is well.
      If not check and see if kdm is installed if it is reinstall it and uninstall kdm-kde4 should it be there.. If not install it.
      Now check your /etc/x11/default-display-manager file it should read like this:
      If it reads something else edit it to read correctly.

      I had something similar not long ago after trying out kdm-kde4 (which didn't work so I got rid of it but cold not get my kdm to start up)
      that file (/etc/x11/default-display-manager) read:
      I changed that to
      but could not find that excutable so I checked my GG install which had:
      I hope this helps you out a bit.
      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
      4 GB Ram
      Kubuntu 18.10


        Re: Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4 -- kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

        hi Fintan

        Many thanks for your reply.

        1) Changing fstab to

        dev/sda5&#160; swap&#160; &#160; sw&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; 0&#160; &#160; &#160;&#160; 0
        #UUID=6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea none&#160; &#160; &#160;&#160; swap&#160; &#160; sw&#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; &#160; 0&#160; &#160; &#160;&#160; 0
        did not solve the problem. I got the same error message as earlier.


        Loading, please wait...
        kinit: name_to_dev_t(dev/disk/by-uuid/6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea) = sda5(8,5)
        kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/6acc0ad2-cf4d-46d1-9392-3d08db4026ea
        kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...

        Ubuntu hardy (development branch) xpc tty1

        xpc login:


        2) after posting my 2nd post on this thread but before reading your reply (post# 3), I found this on another forum ( ) about Display Manager and have tried this:

        $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm

        it does give me options to use " kdm " or " kdm-kde4 ". I've tried 'em both but to no avail.

        3) I checked /etc/x11/default-display-manager file and it did say:


        and I also checked thru file manager ( D3lphin ) in directory /usr > kde > bin > there was a file named kdm .

        But as you suggested I changed /etc/x11/default-display-manager file to:

        /usr/bin/kdm&#160; (because as you already mentioned, there was NO /bin directory under " /usr/lib/kde3 ")

        and that did solve the problem and after the reboot ( thru the terminal: shutdown -r now ) I was able to log back in thru login manager at the start up.

        After wards I logged out and back into Kde 4 thru login manager and&#160; Kde 4 worked fine.

        Ok here is another thing which is unrelated to my original problem:

        I tried to change theme to "Plastik" which was available in > System Settings > Appearance > Theme Manager > Plastik > selected it > hit "Apply" > OK

        It did apply but there was no change in look.

        I tried to remove that HUGE black task bar by > right click > " Remove Task Manager ", now that 1,2,3,4 desk spaces and clock and some other icons moved on to the left next to big " K " icon (start button ?) BUT that huge black bar is still there. And now if I right click on that Black bar I don't get any options either.

        I've tried to change theme in Kde 4 during my earlier installation of Alpha 3 too but was having samilar problems and was not able to make it look like " Plastik " theme in Kde 3.5.8 .

        And you were the one to help me that time also ( ).

        I'll keep using Kde 3.5.8 and that's fine with me.

        [b]Since you've mentioned UUIDs,

        " God I hat uuid's! "
        I will say this that, although I'm a newbie to Linux and Kubuntu BUT

        I did NOT get any of these (1) UUID / (2) Log in error / (3) Problem in configuring GRUB entries in other Linux OSes


        1, Fedora 8
        2, Debian 4
        3, OpenSuSE 11 Alpha 0
        4, Mandriva 2008.1
        5, PCLinuxOS 2007
        6, or in Solaris Express Dev Edition for that matter.

        But hey, I'm a newbie so I like to think that even though I'm getting similar problems ONLY with Kubuntu / Ubuntu, its because I'm a new to the Linux.

        Many thanks again for your help this time and earlier too.

        - Jags
        Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1

