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How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

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    How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

    hi everyone

    Kubuntu and Linux newbie here.

    I have Kubuntu 8.04 Aplha 3 / Hardy Heron installed on a multi boot system.

    Through " Adept Manager " I just installed


    totaling 223MB.

    After installation finished, it didn't ask to reboot or something (u know Windows' habits) so I restarted on my own hoping after restart it will start with Kde4 or it'll ask which Kde to use, old or new.

    Now I see Kde 4 in many places, eg: System > Konsole KDE 4 - Terminal Program KDE 4, System Monitor KDE 4 and so on, but when I open Konqueror > Help > About KDE > it says K Desktop Environment. Release 3.5.8

    When I ran " sudo apt-get install kde4-core " in System > Konsole KDE 4 > it said: Kde4-core is already the newest version.

    So do I have to enable / activate Kde4 from somewhere?

    Many thanks in advance.

    - Jags

    Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1

    Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

    Just logout (no reboot), on the login page you can choose "session type" choose kde4 and login.

    Enjoy and welcome to the party
    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 Freezes and won't boot up

      hi Fintan

      Many thanks for your reply. It was easy. Earlier I guess I didn't think to click that "document" like icon on log in screen.

      But now I ran into another problem.

      When I selected KDE 4 on log-in screen and hit enter, it brought a little black window (with hard disk, settings, big K etc icons in it) and sounded like its starting KDE 4 but after a moment or so the whole screen turned Black and only thing I can see is White cursor. I waited like 10 minutes thinking may be its loading something as I was running KDE 4 for first time.

      The black screen didn't change, when I press "CTRL+ALT+DLT" (i know its Windows thing but I don't know whats its equivalent in Linux), the screen changed to White with a black window in the middle. There's no error message anywhere on the screen.

      I restarted the system by turning power off and after I enter username & pass, the same thing happens again, it displays same Black KDE 4.0 window and in a moment the whole screen turns Black.

      Any help is highly appreciated.

      Thanks again.

      - Jags
      Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1


        Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

        Okay, try this:
        login to your 2normal" session and open up your /home/usename folder. Go to view and activate "hidden files". Now you will see a folder called ./kde4 open that up and delete the contents.
        Log out and log in to kde4.

        Let us know if that helps.

        The ./kde4 contains the config files for kde4 (which my be corrupted) and will be regenerated upon an new log in.
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

          Originally posted by Jags_FL
          Kubuntu and Linux newbie here.

          I have Kubuntu 8.04 Aplha 3 / Hardy Heron installed on a multi boot system.

          Through " Adept Manager " I just installed

          I just want to say, you are very brave! To be a newbie, and install both the alpha version of 8.04, as well as KDE4! Are you doing this on a production, or an "extra," computer?


            Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy


            Many thanks.

            The remedy you suggested, worked like a charm.

            Though after I changed theme to "Plastik" and hit "apply" (it did apply changes), the system froze, cursor was still moving but left/right clicked stopped responding.

            I can't close that "Appearance - System Settings" window but I can type in the search box and it does respond to what I type in there, eg: if I type "appe", will leave only "Appearance" icon on that window, and if clear that search box will bring all the icons back.

            After reboot (from power button) its working fine though.

            Thanks again for your help.

            - Jags
            Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1


              Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

              I just want to say, you are very brave! To be a newbie, and install both the alpha version of 8.04, as well as KDE4! Are you doing this on a production, or an "extra," computer?
              lol I don't know about being brave or not

              this PC i have spared as an experimental system BUT it took me 7 some rounds (each after starting from scratch with a COMPLETE format of HD and installing all 5/6 OSes again) of installations to get all six OSes (Vista Ultimate, Solaris Express, Kubuntu 8.04, OpenSUSE 11, Debian 4.0 and Fedora 8 ) going.

              Though, in the process I did get alott to learn. If i had just bought the new Ubuntu system from Dell, I wouldn't have learned all the stuff I found out this hard and loong way.

              Thanks guys.

              - Jags
              Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1


                Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

                Though after I changed theme to "Plastik" and hit "apply" (it did apply changes), the system froze, cursor was still moving but left/right clicked stopped responding.
                You will want to use the oxygen theme. It was made for kde4 (plasma) I am not sure any other theme works very well at the moment until they are ported.

                For more on kde4:

                HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                4 GB Ram
                Kubuntu 18.10


                  Changing theme in KDE 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3

                  hi Fintan

                  Many thanks for your help.

                  In System Settings > Appearance > Theme Manager > there's no "Oxygen" theme...

                  I clicked "Get new themes" and it took me to > selected KDE 4.0 on left > it brought 10 themes but Oxygen was not there either...

                  Out of 12 default themes in Theme Manager ( in KDE 4.0), I selected Plastik again and it did apply. But NO matter however I change settings (i tried changing settings of Windows, Color, Style etc) in "Appearance - System Settings", I

                  1, Can't change Black color Task Manager bar
                  2, Can't bring Konqueror, Home etc icons next to big "K" button (start button ?) on the Task Manager bar (in a Theme Manager screenshot Plastik is shown exactly the way it looks in KDE 3.5.8 )

                  Anyway, I'll keep using KDE 3.5.8, being a Linux newbie I was just trying to figure out if I was doing something wrong or KDE 4 does not support Plastik, even though its there by default.

                  Thanks again.

                  - Jags

                  Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1


                    Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy Heron

                    oh by the way,

                    KDE 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 runs very slow compare to KDE 3.5.8, which feels lightning fasst
                    Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1


                      Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

                      If you go into appereance and choose style oxygen should be tere. if not search for it in adept or synaptic and install it.

                      As for quickness. I find my kde4 on alpha3 (HH) much more seponsive. What kind of video card do you have?
                      HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
                      4 GB Ram
                      Kubuntu 18.10


                        Re: How to install / enable Kde 4 on Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 3 / Hardy

                        oh I was looking "Oxygen" into Themes, I found it in "Style" now, though I was trying to use "Plastik" theme.

                        KDE 3.5.8 is fine with me.

                        About quickness: The system configuration I have is Pentium 4 2.6GHz, 1.5GB RAM, nVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 128MB

                        Vista Ultimate, Solaris Express and all four Linux OSes runs just fine, and yea as I mentioned earlier, KDE 3.5.8 feels lightning fast too.

                        Even Vista with Aero feels faster than KDE 4 on Kubuntu Hardy.

                        In fact, I was surprised by Vista performance on this machine, as I was expecting Vista to be slow because of 128MB graphics card and older processor but I don't find a huge difference between my new Dell XPS 420 with Intel Quad Core Q6700 2.66GHz, 4GB 800 MHz RAM and 512MB nVIDIA 8600 GTS.

                        I'm not talking about DVD burning or Video editing here but just regular applications like opening settings menu / net surfing etc.

                        For example, in KDE 4 when I click "K" > Computer > Home > it takes a little while to open a window and first you see the whole window white and then it brings icons and text etc OR Shutdown > Log out > it takes a little while in KDE 4 to change the screen compare to 3.5.8

                        Thanks again for your help.

                        - Jags
                        Vista Ultimate<br />Solaris Express Developers Edition<br />Kubuntu 8.04 Alpha 4<br />OpenSUSE 11.0 Alpha 2<br />Fedora 8<br />Debian 4.0<br />Mandriva 2008.1<br />Sabayon 3.5 Loop 1

