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nVidia Quadro Drivers Problems

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    nVidia Quadro Drivers Problems


    I recently installed a new computer (, with an Nvidia Quadro video card (256 mb). So i attemp^ted to install ubuntu 9.04. This failed miserable as the graphics driver would 'stall' requiring me to give the computer some input so it would draw the next frame of the progress bar etc... with a bunch of other graphics related problems after that. Luckily i had kubuntu 8.04 on hand and i installed it without problems, however after the install the resolution of my screen is limited to 800x600....kinda small. I attempted to use envy, nVidia drivers, add the resolutions to the xorg.conf, or xrendr (i forgot the exact command name) to force it to go above (i have a widescreen monitor). All of this seemed to fail. I don't really care about anything that the graphic card provides, as along as i can get a decent widerscreen res going 1280 by 720 would be nice, which i know is support since i wiped off windows from it b4. Any ideas on how to debug this would be welcome...i wasted half a day today doing just that.


    Oh yeah, it's a 64 bit OS.

    Re: nVidia Quadro Drivers Problems

    2 things first.

    a) nvidia quadro
    i have an nvidia quadro on my laptop working with the nvidia drivers no problems since 2 years.
    it's a quadro fx 350m, if that matters.
    from 7.10 to 9.10.
    no problems whatsoever.
    but i use a 32bit os, not a 64bit os.
    i don't know if there's issues with the nvidia drivers on 64bits...

    b) 64bit os
    your system doesn't need the 64bit os, though.
    you should, in my view, install the 32bit os with the pae kernel.

    c) 9.04 vs 9.10
    if you're willing to put up with a few stability issues, i'd install 9.10, not 9.04.
    alpha5 is not bad at all, overall.
    i use it every day, anyway.

    now then...

    you could try and
    a) copy the following to a file on a removable something
    Section "Screen"
        Identifier   "Default Screen"
        DefaultDepth  24
    Section "Device"
        Identifier   "Default Device"
        Driver "vesa"
    b) install 9.10
    c) copy the above file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    d) restart

    if this works, you can then try and install the nvidia drivers from the repositories.
    although kubuntu should be able to detect you have an nvidia and offer to install them automatically for you.

    let's see...

    gnu/linux is not windoze

