I just wanted to post this. I had gone thru getting 8.04 persistent working on a 64GB flashdrive so that part of it is searchable with many good leads and experiments to go thru as guides. Mostly posts by Qqmike. Thanks for all your posting on this Qqmike. I'd thought to add Gparted Live. So I've been experimenting with my 2GB flashdrive. I used the grub method to make
the 8.04 persistent USB flashdisk:
Qqmikes post 2829
To make a Gparted-live partition, I found a link:
The area for linux install is:
Extract files and make USB flash drive bootable under GNU/Linux
I used Gparted-live CD. Resized kubuntu8 partition to almost smallest allowed for it, leaving some room for editing /boot/grub/menu.lst later. I also resized casper-rw to 1.2GB. Moved each partition to the end of USB flashdrive's available area. Leaving me with space to create a 170MB fat32 partition and then labeled it GPARTEDLIVE. I then made the GPARTEDLIVE partition bootable. I followed the instructions from http://gparted.sourcforge.net/liveusb.php to install gparted-live to it. Afterwards booting it to make sure it worked. Back to hard drive kubuntu to edit
## I'll edit this later ...-
[later edit] I added this boot selection to dev/sdb2/boot/grub/menu.lst:
title ***New*** Gparted Live Version
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
So grub is chainloading to syslinux on /dev/sdb1.
[end edit]
I then used konsole:
fdisk /dev/sdb ## my flashdrive comes up as that.
[Correction edit here, did NOT have to move the boot partition to /dev/sdb2.] I had to also rerun grub using geometry (hd1), root (hd1,1), setup (hd1), and quit. I've tested it and it works fine. Very cool, I think. 8.04 persistent and Gparted-live on a 2GB flashdrive.
P.S. I would've liked to have just created the GPARTEDLIVE partition as new, but it'd be /dev/sdb3. And I think it would work except you might not be able to view the GPARTEDLIVE partition in winDoze, so I actually backed up kubuntu8 and casper-rw to my /dev/sda8 's /home/\\\/Documents/Backups/. I attempted to do this with keep, but I didn't understand what it was doing, then deleted all the partitions and created the GPARTEDLIVE fat32 partition 1st so it could be /dev/sdb1. ([edit] I could have made it 3rd but not being /dev/sdb1 winDoze probably wouldn't be able to see it.) So winDoze would for sure be able to see it. I then recreated kubuntu8, casper-rw at the end. Resized casper-rw to 1.2GB and moved kubuntu8 right ahead of casper-rw. And resized GPARTEDLIVE to fill the rest, Making any available space accessable in winDoze. I also had to edit my /media/boot/grub/menu.lst so all other selections referenced (hd0,1) instead of (hd0,0) for boots to kubuntu8. (being that on my new partition /dev/sdb - kubuntu8 was now /dev/sdb2 instead of sdb1) I found that grub didn't like more than 1 active partition on the flashdrive, so my kubuntu8/boot/grub/menu.lst chainloads /dev/sdb1 and boots Gparted-live. Unfortunately kubuntu8 persistent didn't work with the restored casper-rw partition. Even with just /dev/sdb3/home/ retained so I had to start over with a 1st time persistent (clean casper-rw) but then persistent works.
Its cool.
the 8.04 persistent USB flashdisk:
Qqmikes post 2829
Originally posted by Qqmike
The area for linux install is:
Extract files and make USB flash drive bootable under GNU/Linux
I used Gparted-live CD. Resized kubuntu8 partition to almost smallest allowed for it, leaving some room for editing /boot/grub/menu.lst later. I also resized casper-rw to 1.2GB. Moved each partition to the end of USB flashdrive's available area. Leaving me with space to create a 170MB fat32 partition and then labeled it GPARTEDLIVE. I then made the GPARTEDLIVE partition bootable. I followed the instructions from http://gparted.sourcforge.net/liveusb.php to install gparted-live to it. Afterwards booting it to make sure it worked. Back to hard drive kubuntu to edit
## I'll edit this later ...-
[later edit] I added this boot selection to dev/sdb2/boot/grub/menu.lst:
title ***New*** Gparted Live Version
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
So grub is chainloading to syslinux on /dev/sdb1.
[end edit]
I then used konsole:
fdisk /dev/sdb ## my flashdrive comes up as that.
[Correction edit here, did NOT have to move the boot partition to /dev/sdb2.] I had to also rerun grub using geometry (hd1), root (hd1,1), setup (hd1), and quit. I've tested it and it works fine. Very cool, I think. 8.04 persistent and Gparted-live on a 2GB flashdrive.
P.S. I would've liked to have just created the GPARTEDLIVE partition as new, but it'd be /dev/sdb3. And I think it would work except you might not be able to view the GPARTEDLIVE partition in winDoze, so I actually backed up kubuntu8 and casper-rw to my /dev/sda8 's /home/\\\/Documents/Backups/. I attempted to do this with keep, but I didn't understand what it was doing, then deleted all the partitions and created the GPARTEDLIVE fat32 partition 1st so it could be /dev/sdb1. ([edit] I could have made it 3rd but not being /dev/sdb1 winDoze probably wouldn't be able to see it.) So winDoze would for sure be able to see it. I then recreated kubuntu8, casper-rw at the end. Resized casper-rw to 1.2GB and moved kubuntu8 right ahead of casper-rw. And resized GPARTEDLIVE to fill the rest, Making any available space accessable in winDoze. I also had to edit my /media/boot/grub/menu.lst so all other selections referenced (hd0,1) instead of (hd0,0) for boots to kubuntu8. (being that on my new partition /dev/sdb - kubuntu8 was now /dev/sdb2 instead of sdb1) I found that grub didn't like more than 1 active partition on the flashdrive, so my kubuntu8/boot/grub/menu.lst chainloads /dev/sdb1 and boots Gparted-live. Unfortunately kubuntu8 persistent didn't work with the restored casper-rw partition. Even with just /dev/sdb3/home/ retained so I had to start over with a 1st time persistent (clean casper-rw) but then persistent works.
Its cool.