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Problem with Maxtor One Touch 4 USB HD

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    Problem with Maxtor One Touch 4 USB HD

    Hello guys, I'm not new to the community, but I'm not over here very often, hehe...

    Well, here's the deal:

    I recently bought an External USB HD (specifically a Maxtor One Touch 4 ) which works good on Windows XP and Vista, but when I tried to copy files in Kubuntu I found a problem.

    It is recognized by the OS, I can mount it and explore the filesystem. But I cannot see files that have accents or other special characters on their names.

    For example:
    When the drive is connected to windows you can see the file Soñé.txt
    In Kubuntu it doesn't appear at all.

    Folders are the same, in this case a folder called Zoé will not show on my USB HD when its mounted on Kubuntu.

    Out of curiosity I tried copying files with strange characters from my Kubuntu filesystem to the USB HD. Example Zoé - Miel.mp3
    But it just didn't work, it send an error.

    This has never happened before, I have lots of files with those characters on their names because I live in México, and since I work in a company, I'm supposed to have every file name with perfect orthography (and look, even México has an accent on it's name...)

    If anyone can help with that, it would be appreciated, since I don't want to go to Windows Vista just to copy those kind of files....

    Re: Problem with Maxtor One Touch 4 USB HD

    This is due to lack of iso88591 character set support. If you search around you will find various mostly outdated bits of information about how to activate support for it, and it works, almost. When I get it installed it will work but other places I get messages that my locale settings are not supported. It is the only thing I have found where Ubuntu really dropped the ball.


      Re: Problem with Maxtor One Touch 4 USB HD

      Ow, that's really bad news...

      Following your advice, I tried to Google the methods to add the support, but I didn't have any luck.

      By The Way: Only my Maxtor HD seems to have the problem, on my internal Hard Drives I can rename my files to include accents without any trouble, I can also burn them through K3B. This is strange...


        Re: Problem with Maxtor One Touch 4 USB HD

        In Jaunty it has now been fixed. I don't know if it is now fixed in Intrepid but I would guess that it is in the backports. I added

        en_US.ISO-8859-1 ISO-8859-1

        to /var/lib/locales/supported.d/local, ran

        sudo locale-gen --purge

        and added
        export LC_CTYPE=en_US.iso88591
        to .bashrc and it works.

