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Need a recommendation on Color Laser Printer

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    Need a recommendation on Color Laser Printer

    I have a color laser printer (HP2550) that works fairly well. A few minor things that I can live with, certain PDF's that don't do it quite right. I'm having to replace an image drum, $180, on a printer for which I spent $150. I was looking at possible replacements.

    I know that the Canon printers dislike linux, so they are out. Anyone have any recommendations on Color Lasers for the home that work perfectly, or near perfectly on Linux? I'm using 8.04 Kubuntu KDE 3.5.

    As an aside, I switched from Linspire and am finding out I should have done it sooner. I only wish that someone had put together a guide to switching and where to get all the good stuff like restricted multimedia stuff. It took me a while and it should be easier.

    Re: Need a recommendation on Color Laser Printer

    For a list of supported printers, try here:

    Yes, I agree that multimedia stuff could/should be a little easier to find. Medibuntu does not exactly roll off the tongue I know. I suspect that if direct links were provided, and it was too well publicised, there would be legal issues in some jurisdictions. In some eyes, simply using Linux to play a DVD you have purchased makes you a pirate:

    You wind up with the ridiculous situation where, say you dual boot, and live in the USA, the legality or otherwise of watching your DVD on the same machine can depend solely upon the operating system you happen to be running at the time. Global distros like Kubuntu cannot afford to be seen to be actively promoting or supporting anything that is illegal in any jurisdiction and, as a result, cannot include the software concerned in their own repositories.

