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SOLVED: Hardy ALSA Woes -- sound completely kaput

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    SOLVED: Hardy ALSA Woes -- sound completely kaput

    OK -- not writing this at the machine it all happened on, so some details (e.g. syntax of some of the things I've tried) may be slightly inexact, but... I'd also like to find an appropriate ALSA-specific source of help, but if anyone here has any good ideas...

    Initial situation: Kubuntu Hardy (Ubuntu 8.04.2), dual boot with Windows XP plus also using Windows XP on VirtualBox for some proprietary MS-only stuff. Kubuntu running Alsa 1.0.16 (driver) (utils/library). On-board sound (Realtek ALC622?) identified by ALSA as HDA Intel Via 82xx.

    Alsa didn't use to resume after a Suspend, so I added a script to run on resume that did a force-reload -- it worked, but it kicked you out of Amarok if you'd left it running when you suspended.

    Able to play sound in Linux and both actual and virtual Windows; able to record ONLY in actual Windows, meaning that transferring music from physical media was the only thing I had to keep shutting down and rebooting into Windows for. This wasn't really satisfactory, as I do everything else in Linux (and have done for some years), so I really wanted to fix the line-in recording problem. I'd tried numerous searches and numerous fixes that didn't do anything, but it seemed that more up-to-date (or hand-rolled) ALSA drivers might do it.

    I tried building the most up-to-date Alsa drivers etc. (1.0.19), in case that fixed the recording problem (--with-sound-cards=hda-intel; also tried uninstalling and rebuilding with =via82xx). Sound still worked fine, recording still not. Tried downgrading to 1.0.15rc1, which had apparently fixed this issue for some people: nothing doing, so went back to 1.0.19. Tried installing an old SoundBlaster16-alike that I had lying around -- and found that I was able to record (albeit at a slightly low level) on that card, although playback was still through the on-board sound. Bit of a kludge, but it was working -- only thing was, I'd changed the force-reload in the script to 'resume', in the hope that the more up-to-date version of Alsa would resume OK after suspend, and it didn't. So I changed the 'resume' line back to a force-reload and tried suspending and resuming -- still didn't restart till I actually did it from a terminal. So I thought that maybe the easiest way to get it to re-read all scripts and settings was to reboot... and now I have no sound at all in Linux.

    Things I have tried:
    - Getting up the System Services module in the KDE3 System Settings: it showed alsasound as not set to load at boot time, which I changed, and as not running: clicking on restart achieved nothing (although it did redline the CPU for a while).
    - /usr/sbin/alsa force-reload from the command line: says there is nothing to unload, and no modules to load.
    - reinstalling the last known good Kubuntu version of alsa (base and utils) from Synaptic -- reported success, but made no difference.
    - running the alsa diagnostic script (output is here: -- key point being that it lists library and utils versions, but shows no drivers as being loaded; and that it lists two souncards as 'installed in the system' but NO soundcards as 'recognised by ALSA'.
    - rebuilding the 1.0.19 version through to an apparently successful 'sudo make install', but when it warns you that sound is muted by default and suggests that you open a mixer, opening alsamixer gives the following error message:
    alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory


    !!Linux Distribution

    Ubuntu 8.04.2

    !!Soundcards recognised by ALSA

    !!PCI Soundcards installed in the system

    04:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: Ensoniq 5880 AudioPCI (rev 04)
    80:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VIA High Definition Audio Controller (rev 10)

    Re: Hardy ALSA Woes -- sound completely kaput


    1) Found, and the purge-and-reload step seems to have downgraded me successfully to the previously-working configuration.
    2) Checked the manual for the motherboard (ASUS P5VD2-VM SE) and found the exact chipset for the on-board sound (realtek ALC662 6 channel).
    3) Based on and the last post in inserted the line
    options snd-hda-intel model=3stack-6ch
    into /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base to get everything working better than before.

    In the meantime, the force-reload script had stopped working (why?) but now works (again, better than before) since I copied it to /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d. Only thing left is to see if on-board line-in now works -- in which case I can pull the old card back out again -- and if so, if it feeds through to the virtual Windows...

