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Bluetooth keyboard issue

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    Bluetooth keyboard issue

    Hello, recently bought a Rocketfish Bluetooth keyboard and Kensington Bluetooth dongle. I have managed to get the keyboard working after i log into a session with a script in /etc/init.d/:

    sudo hciconfig up
    sudo hciconfig hci0 piscan
    sudo hciconfig hci0 noauth
    sudo hciconfig hci0 nosecmgr
    sudo hcitool inq
    sudo hcitool scan
    sudo hcitool info
    sudo hidd --search

    this is the /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf

    # HCI daemon configuration file.

    # HCId options
    options {
    # Automatically initialize new devices
    autoinit yes;

    # Security Manager mode
    # none - Security manager disabled
    # auto - Use local PIN for incoming connections
    # user - Always ask user for a PIN
    security none;

    # Pairing mode
    # none - Pairing disabled
    # multi - Allow pairing with already paired devices
    # once - Pair once and deny successive attempts
    pairing none;

    # Default PIN code for incoming connections
    passkey "1234";

    device {
    # Local device name
    # %d - device id
    # %h - host name
    name "%h-%d";

    # Local device class
    class 0x000100;

    # Default packet type
    #pkt_type DH1,DM1,HV1;

    # Inquiry and Page scan
    iscan enable; pscan enable;
    discovto 0;

    # Default link mode
    # none - no specific policy
    # accept - always accept incoming connections
    # master - become master on incoming connections,
    # deny role switch on outgoing connections
    lm accept;

    # Default link policy
    # none - no specific policy
    # rswitch - allow role switch
    # hold - allow hold mode
    # sniff - allow sniff mode
    # park - allow park mode
    lp rswitch,hold,sniff,park;

    device 00:18:A3:00:49:7F {
    name "Rocketfish Bluetooth Keyboard"
    class 0x002540
    discovto 0;
    lm accept;
    lp rswitch,sniff;
    auth enable;
    encrypt enable;
    iscan enable;
    pscan enable;

    I would like to have the script run prior to the log in screen so that I can rid myself of the corded keyboard that i have to have right now. I would also like to have my keyboard work at bios/grub (it currently doesn't)

    I have tried using the hid2hci command, but option -0 says no devices in HCI mode found and option -1 says no devices in HID mode found...

    My dongle is not in a usb hub, it is directly connected and usb legacy support is enabled. hciconfig lists:
    hci0: Type: USB
    BD Address: 00:19:15:65:81:FE ACL MTU: 1017:8 SCO MTU: 64:8
    RX bytes:70826 acl:3705 sco:0 events:350 errors:0
    TX bytes:1175 acl:24 sco:0 commands:39 errors:0

    Is there anyway to get my keyboard/dongle to work pre-session start and at the boot screen?


    Re: Bluetooth keyboard issue

    So your executable script is already in /etc/init.d/

    Have you told the system to re-read its init routine? If not, tell it to do so.

    sudo update-rc.d
    Now reboot - everything should be fine.

    If you want to remove the script from the start-up process do a

    sudo update-rc.d -f script_name remove
    Please report back
    Once your problem is solved please mark the topic of the first post as SOLVED so others know and can benefit from your experience! / FAQ


      Re: Bluetooth keyboard issue

      running update-rc.d defaults gives this message:
      System startup links for /etc/init.d/ already exitsts...

      I think when i went into system settings i told it to run the script during all modes (it even runs on shut down which wasn't intented...) But the keyboard never connects until i've logged in and then it's just after the sound starts to work that the connect button the keyboard stops flashing and i can start typing...

