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No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

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    No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

    I had installed the latest version of Kubuntu with KDE4, and after several hours of troubleshooting sound, I decided to try KDE3.5 to see if the problem went away, which it didn't. I've poured over countless forum posts with many helpful tips, but I have yet to find a solution for my sound card. I've made sure my onboard sound is disabled, I've checked alsamixer for muted channels/volume issues, loaded packages for various file formats, and I know it's connected to the right jack because I have audio on my Windows partition. I know this has been asked elsewhere, but none of those solutions have worked for me, so I'm starting from scratch here. Any ideas?

    Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

    What shows:

    aplay -l



      Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

      aplay -l shows this:

      **** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
      card 0: CA0106 [CA0106], device 0: ca0106 [CA0106]
       Subdevices: 1/1
       Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
      card 0: CA0106 [CA0106], device 1: ca0106 [CA0106]
       Subdevices: 1/1
       Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
      card 0: CA0106 [CA0106], device 2: ca0106 [CA0106]
       Subdevices: 1/1
       Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
      card 0: CA0106 [CA0106], device 3: ca0106 [CA0106]
       Subdevices: 1/1
       Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
      and lspci shows this:
      00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ/P/PL Memory Controller Hub
      00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ/P/PL PCI Express Root Port
      00:1c.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 1 (rev 01)
      00:1c.4 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GR/GH/GHM (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 5 (rev 01)
      00:1c.5 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GR/GH/GHM (ICH7 Family) PCI Express Port 6 (rev 01)
      00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 01)
      00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 01)
      00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 01)
      00:1d.3 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB UHCI Controller #4 (rev 01)
      00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 01)
      00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev e1)
      00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801GB/GR (ICH7 Family) LPC Interface Bridge (rev 01)
      00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) IDE Controller (rev 01)
      00:1f.2 SATA controller: Intel Corporation 82801GR/GH (ICH7 Family) SATA AHCI Controller (rev 01)
      00:1f.3 SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) SMBus Controller (rev 01)
      01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV41.1 [GeForce 6800] (rev a2)
      05:04.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS
      05:05.0 Communication controller: Conexant HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem
      05:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) LAN Controller (rev 01)


        Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

        Hmmmm, interesting!

        Does your motherboard happen to have an integrated sound chip? Go into BIOS, and make sure it is "disabled" or "off".

        Meanwhile I'll see if I can find which driver your Audigy card needs.

        EDIT: Here's the source of all knowledge regarding ALSA drivers:

        I don't see "Audigy 1.5", but I see multiple drivers for Audigy cards. Do you have any idea what the nomenclature for the card is ... "Audigy SE", "Audigy Value", "Audigy 2 NX", etc. etc. etc. ?


          Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

          I've already checked the BIOS and confirmed that the onboard sound device is indeed "disabled"


            Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

            I just booted to my Windows partition and checked PCWizard, it's a Soundblaster Live! 24-bit, of the Audigy LS series

            I checked the link you posted and noticed the following:

            Sound Blaster Audigy SE
            Sound Blaster Audigy Value

            Details [PCI] Digital/Analog input does not work yet. Needs more development work.

            CA0106 looks like what the system is detecting, Is it possible I have a card that just isn't supported in Linux?


              Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

              It looks like you have a half-dozen choices of drivers to try.

              If you open the Konsole and do
              sudo modprobe snd-
              and then press the "TAB" key, it will show you all the drivers on your system. I'm afraid, without more specifics on the model name of your card, you're stuck trying all of the Audigy drivers, until you find the one that works. Here are the ones to try:


              Here's the link to the *buntu sound troubleshooting "bible":


              Good luck with it!


                Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                Originally posted by parx86

                I just booted to my Windows partition and checked PCWizard, it's a Soundblaster Live! 24-bit, of the Audigy LS series
                Well, #*&^% !

                OK, SB Live 24-bit uses the SB0410 driver, according to the ALSA site. So try that.

                p.s. You use Alt-F2 "kdesu kate /etc/modules" to put the driver name at the end of the file in /etc/modules. So after you add it, it might look something like this:

                # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
                # This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
                # at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
                Make sure and leave a carriage return after the last line.


                  Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                  Well, I've gone through the instructions for this driver, and I still have no sound. I saw some permission denied errors when I was running the ./configure commands, I tried them again using sudo and still see permission denied, which I thought was unusual. Other than that I completed all the commands as instructed, after testing the mp3 I downloaded again, it still doesn't work. Where should I go from here?

                  *edit* I've checked my modules file, here's what it looks like:

                  # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time.
                  # This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded
                  # at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored.
                  I tried replacing the sb0410 with ca0106 also, but no luck. I made sure I rebooted after each change to be sure they loaded correctly. Any other ideas?


                    Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                    After reading this post:

                    It appears that I may need to recompile my kernel, so I'm currently trying to figure out how to do that, I'll reply with the results.


                      Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                      Adding loadable modules to the /etc/modules file does not require recompiling of the kernel.
                      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                        Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                        Originally posted by parx86

                        I saw some permission denied errors when I was running the ./configure commands, I tried them again using sudo and still see permission denied, which I thought was unusual.
                        More than unusual -- this indicates a problem.

                        Why are you running ./configure -- are you trying to compile an alsa driver? Since your card is recognized in the system, and since (we think) a suitable driver for it exists, you should not have to compile anything.

                        Moreover, if you have run sudo commands on files in your /home/parx86 directory, then you've attached root privileges to user files -- a very bad thing for the user.

                        After running
                        sudo modprobe snd-sb0410
                        you should open the alsamixer and test whether sound will play, as per the section "Using alsamixer" of this:



                          Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                          We ran ./configure trying to be sure all the alsa drivers were loaded correctly, followed the guide in the link that was posted.

                          I ran the modprobe command again, but I don't see anywhere in alsamixer to actually test or play a sound, it's just volume controls....however they are all unmuted and turned up all the way.

                          As far as recompiling the kernel, I saw the part about enabling the soundcore module, and didn't see any other way to do this?

                          While I was waiting for this, I found another thread:

                          They mention that muting the SPDIF worked for them, however I haven't been able to locate that setting yet in KDE, it doesn't seem to be in KMix anywhere.

                          Where should I go from here?


                            Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                            Have you performed a normal shutdown/restart yet?
                            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                              Re: No Sound in Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE 3.5 - Soundblaster Live! 24-bit

                              Oh yes, many times. I had originaly been using Kubuntu with KDE4 and had the same problem, so I downloaded and installed the version with KDE 3.5, and the problem has persisted. I made sure I rebooted after all the major changes we made last night, but still no sound.

