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installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

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    installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

    Hi Everyone,

    I recently installed a Firewire PCI card and I tried to connect an external HD but it's not working. The external HD has a USB port and it works just fine.

    I'm running Kubuntu 8.04 on a 64bit AMD PC.
    the Firewire card I bought is a Ultra Products 3-Port PCI Adapter 1394 Firewire.
    HD is a WD 500GB external.

    Would you have any idea what I am doing wrong? I thought all I had to do it just to plug it in and it should work.

    Any help is greatly appreciated. oh, and I'm a bit of a nubie


    Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

    I'm not an expert on firewire hookups, but here are a couple of notions:

    to make sure you have the ieee1395 module installed. You should see something like "ieee1394 93752 2 sbp2,ohci1394" in the list of modules.

    2. Assuming you have the module loaded, then you use the
    command to see if the drive is listed on the scsi bus. If you see it on the list, then you can probably make a mount point in /media and mount it manually. Use
    fdisk -lu
    to list the drives, and use the dev/sdx ID to mount it. If you're going to run it full time, you could add a mount line to /etc/fstab to automatically mount it at each boot.



      Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

      Hi Dibl,

      thanks for helping me out once again. ok, here's what I have:

      $ lsmod | grep ieee
      ieee1394       106968 1 ohci1394
      $ cat /proc/scsi/scsi
      Attached devices:
      Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
       Vendor: ATA   Model: ST3160812AS   Rev: 3.AA
       Type:  Direct-Access          ANSI SCSI revision: 05
      Host: scsi1 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
       Vendor: TSSTcorp Model: CDDVDW SH-S203B Rev: SB03
       Type:  CD-ROM              ANSI SCSI revision: 05
      Host: scsi2 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
       Vendor: ATA   Model: WDC WD800EB-11DJ Rev: 77.0
       Type:  Direct-Access          ANSI SCSI revision: 05
      I guess the drive is not loaded on the bus. Is there anyway to get this working with a generic driver?



        Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

        So it's not the Seagate or the WD?

        What kind of hard drive is it? If SATA, I wonder if you might need to fiddle the SATA modes in your BIOS? I use AHCI mode on mine. Just guessing. :P


          Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

          actually those are my internal drives. the WD 80GB is ATA and the Seagate 160GB is SATA.
          The external drive I'm trying to connect to is a HD 500GB and I have no clue what interface it has inside the enclosure. but it works with a USB cable.


            Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

            So it's whatever the drive's interface is to USB, and then USB to Firewire? Hmmmmmmm. Does it work if you connect to a USB port on your PC (I know, that's slower than firewire)?


              Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

              well, actually the External Drive has two separate connections. one USB and another Firewire. If I connect to the USB port it works fine. It is automatically detected. If I then remove the USB port and connect the drive to the Firewire port, it doesn't work.

              and yes, that's the reason I want it to get it working. Firewire is much faster.


                Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

                You said it is a PCI card. Does it show up when you do


                  [Solved] installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

                  I got it

                  I looked on the web for a bit and someone suggested to run at the prompt, w/o sudo:

                  I then unplugged the cabe and then back in and it showed up

                  great !! thank you for your time !



                    Re: installed firewire PCI card and it's not working

                    Wow -- that's a new one me! Congrats!

