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Installing new motherboard on dual kubuntu/win98 system

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    Installing new motherboard on dual kubuntu/win98 system

    I got a great deal on a motherboard that is about 3x the clock speed of my old IBM Aptiva, and since the Aptiva case is an ATX, I decided to buy the new board.

    I'm posting here BEFORE I do the upgrade rather than waiting until I have a problem. My question is this:

    I currently have a large HD (200gb) partitioned in about 50/50 and a smaller 15gb HD that has win98 on a 6gb partition and the other partition unused. Right now, my linux system files are on one of the partitions on the large HD and my user files are on the other partition on that disk.

    Some of the hardware will change (onboard video and sound, for starters), so I'm assuming that I need to re-detect the hardware. Should I reinstall 8.04 from scratch? Will it harm my user files on the other partition?

    Thanks for any ideas/feedback/comments you might have.
    I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.

    Re: Installing new motherboard on dual kubuntu/win98 system

    So am correct in understanding that your /home is on it's own disk partition separate from the / partition. You verify this by selecting Kmenu-> System -> Kcontrol Center -> Disk & Filesystems. If so. then you can reinstall without harming your data files in the /home directory. But I'd hate to make you go through an install plus having to download all the updates again.

    Figure out what the new motherboard has with respect to built in video, unless you have a video card that will simply be moved from one motherboard to the other; and what the audio is for the new motherboard. But for the most part, I don't think there will be any difficulties in recognizing/reacting to its new environment. I may be wrong, or simply not thinking of everything. Wait for a second opinion .
    The next brick house on the left
    Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


      Re: Installing new motherboard on dual kubuntu/win98 system

      Yes, the /home directory is on a separate partition. I did a full install on one partition, then moved the user files to the other partition. I thought it might come in handy for situations like this.

      The old Aptiva has an AGP 1x S3 Savage video card that may be less capable than the onboard video of the new MB. I thought I'd try the MB video first and if it's not as good, install the AGP card. The sound card situation is that same, with the old Aptiva having an "ok" sound card, but I'd like to try the new onboard sound first and compare.

      Is there a way I can get the system to "resurvey" itself and adapt to the new hardware? Or is all this done at install-time?
      I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.


        Re: Installing new motherboard on dual kubuntu/win98 system

        Unlike Windows, Linux doesn't use a registry approach. If the module exists for a piece of hardware, Linux will use it as it finds the hardware. Now sometimes it's necessary to intentionally install some module or other, but for the most part, if the module exists for a piece of hardware, Linux will use it.

        At this point, with your data files safe on a separate partition, you might just install the new motherboard, plug everything in and see if Linux finds the hardware. I'm thinking it'll work just fine with the onboard video and audio. Then you can play with video and audio upgrades.
        The next brick house on the left
        Intel i7 11th Gen | 16GB | 1TB | KDE Plasma 5.27.11​| Kubuntu 24.04 | 6.8.0-31-generic


          Re: Installing new motherboard on dual kubuntu/win98 system

          Originally posted by nitewing98
          ...Thanks for any ideas/feedback/comments you might have.
          I think that technically with a new motherboard for an OEM v. retail install you would need a new windows license... but since it is 98 perhaps you will not have that problem...


            Re: Installing new motherboard on dual kubuntu/win98 system

            Yes, with Win98 EOL'd by Microsnot, they have pretty much given up all caring about it. But it's a retail CD anyway, so not an issue here.

            I'm dying waiting for the mobo. I should have ponied up for the better shipping. So far it's been in transit since the 15th (7 days). It laid in a "sortation center" for 3 days with no movement. Finally tonight it's moving again.

            I hate FedEx... :P
            I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.

