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Edge flash drive keeps remounting

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    Edge flash drive keeps remounting

    I've got a 4gb DiskGo flash drive. When I plug it in, it mounts just fine and KDE asks me if I want to open it in a window. I say "yes" and it opens. The drive mounts at /media/DISKGO.

    I start copying files to it, and the process gets a ways, then it seems that it can't find the drive. On inspection, there's a new window in the pile showing it has been remounted and asking what I want to do with it (open, ignore, etc.). It has been remounted at /media/DISKGO-1.

    So I find where the copy died and restart the operation using the new mount point, DISKGO-1. But now it dies and creates (you guessed it!) /media/DISKGO-2!! ARGHHHHHH! >

    It's almost as if the USB subsystem is re-polling every so often. I've tried connecting both through a hub and directly to the USB on the mo'bo.

    The PC is an older Aptiva, designed for Win98 originally. Any ideas what might be happening here?
    I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.

    Re: Edge flash drive keeps remounting

    No help? Anything? (OK, I'm desperate)
    I distrust morning people, largely because I suspect them of getting together early one day while the rest of us were asleep and setting up the rules of civilization.

