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Linksys Wireless N Card (WPC300N V1)

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    Linksys Wireless N Card (WPC300N V1)

    Hello All,

    I've read and tried most suggestions offered in the forums on getting the wifi card operational - without success. Unfortunately, being new to the Linux environment, I'm lost.

    Situation: Dell Inspiron 1100 with Kubuntu 8.04 with all current upgrades installed. There is no other OS on the box. Everything works great except the wifi card. I followed the steps to install the ndiswrapper and using the .inf driver - no luck.

    I've sent messages to those who have claimed to have gotten this card to work. No answer. (sniff) I can't find an active user group in my area.

    If anyone is willing to help, I'd appreciate it. I can report back on any information requested. Remember, I'm new and would need some hand holding with detailed instructions.

    BTW: The card works in XP. So I know the card is not defective.



    Re: Linksys Wireless N Card (WPC300N V1)

    Hi Bob. I did a quick search for your card type with Ubuntu Linux, the result I found is this..

    hope this will help. If not, we can try something else.
    &quot;Either you repeat the same conventional doctrines everybody is saying, or else you say something true, and it will sound like it&#39;s from Neptune.&quot; ~Noam Chomsky<br /><br />Gigabyte MB, AMD 64x2 6000, 2 Gigs Patriot DDR2, XFX GeForce 8600GT XXX, 400Gig WD SATA HDD &amp; 1TB WD SATA HDD.

