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Trying to upgrade video - Tale of Woe and Questions

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    Trying to upgrade video - Tale of Woe and Questions

    Running Kubuntu 8.04 w/ latest updates on a Dual Core Pentium 4 on an HP Pavilion...

    I decided that my Nvidia GeForce Fx 5200 AGP card was getting outdated (and my fascination with SecondLife pointed this up) so I started looking for replacements..

    ..First I tried an ATI Radeon 9250 (Diamond Stealth branded if that matters). THAT was painful. The flgx driver the system insisted I use (pick another and the Settings | Peripherals | Monitor/Display Screen Configuration Module reset it to flgx) kind of worked - once I got the refresh rate correct everything was crisp, but when I opened or moved windows they left blocks of 'after images'; response was terrible and, well, SecondLife ran worse than with the modest 5200 card.

    After several iterations of trying different things suggested on various forums on the internet I ruined the Xorg.conf file (good thing I'm comfortable at the command line) and had to go to a backup version.

    I decided to try another card - living in the hinterlands, I had few local options, and Wal Mart was the other option.. picked up a GeForce 6200 OC - never opened it - research pulled up lots of problems and besides, SecondLife doesn't support it..

    Finally, I pulled the ATI card and re-installed the 5200 - which I was able to get back to where I was in the first place. A bit slow, but runs clean.

    I've ordered a GeForce 7600 (which IS on the Secondlife Linux client README list) and that's the level of hell I'm scheduled to visit when it comes.

    So - if anyone has comments, suggestions (or dire warnings) I'd appreciate them.

    Re: Trying to upgrade video - Tale of Woe and Questions

    7600 GT with official drivers for linux works pretty well in Kubuntu.
    Check out my Ⓥegan youtube channel PlantSugar
    CV and gallery at
    Please add [SOLVED] to topic subject when topic is solved.


      Re: Trying to upgrade video - Tale of Woe and Questions

      I run a nVidia GeForce 7300 GS (256Mb, PCI-E), in mine,
      Works perfectly 'as is'.
      Several times, I have tried to install the 'restricted drivers'...for it, and, HELLO, 'stuck in 800 X 600' Mode.
      Now, I don't even bother trying to install those 'restrictive drivers' any more.
      ATI/AMD are a 'pain-in-the-butt' far as Linux goes. (For the better part, they are NOT supported, Which is 'why'...people have so much trouble with them.)
      There is an Application, called "Envy(something)"....that is supposed to be of Help...with ATI/AMD cards. Good luck with it.

