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KDE4.1 on Tecra S5, no volume control via harware

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    KDE4.1 on Tecra S5, no volume control via harware

    When I tried KDE4 some 2 months ago it was pretty useless, especially there were no configuration options.

    I installed KDE4.1 side by side with KDE3.5.9 and must say doesn't only look great, you can actually work with it.

    Dolphin has really matured and some core applications like Gwenview are outright pretty, even the graphs in the System Monitor look better than ever.

    But there are a few niggles on my Tecra S5 hardware,
    • Just as in KDE3.5 the Fn+F6-F7 buttons don't change brightness, this time not even a futile pop up claiming it works.
    • This computer has a small wheel on the front mimicking a potentiometer for volume control, it works fine in KDE3.5.9 but fails utterly in KDE4.1
    • For wireless and network control I had wicd installed, arguably the best network manager of the moment, the KDE4.1 install replaced it with networkmanager and knetworkmanager as a frontend.
      This proved to be a very unstable set up and luckily I could put wicd back in place.

    I like the layout of knetworkmanager but untill networkmanager becomes more stable on my system it's no competition for wicd.

    All together I'm quite impressed by the work the KDE team has done in such a short time.

    Re: KDE4.1 on Tecra S5, no volume control via harware

    I think the software part that handles the laptop volume controls can't or doesn't work with kde4, though I cannot remember where I found that. My older compaq Evo N610c (p4, 1gb ram, 32 mb mobile radeon 7-something) has the same problem, though I have only run Intrepid on it.

    My solution was to install a program called keytouch and keytouch-editor to configure the volume and other extra buttons on my laptop. has links to the needed instructions, particularly the keytouch-editor manual, so you can create a new keytouch config setup for your laptop, then and then the keytouch app itself to import the created config and to adjust the settings. It isn't too hard, but it is better than nothing until someone creates something for kde4


      Re: KDE4.1 on Tecra S5, no volume control via harware

      Thanks for the tip, I'll investigate.

