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Kubuntu 8.04 NAS mount problems...

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    Kubuntu 8.04 NAS mount problems...

    Hello new to the forums like to say hi to every one..

    Ok here is what i got i have tried to get this may times and no luck keeps telling me that "Permission Denied" so i might need some help..

    this is the line i put in my fstab

    // /mnt/Vault cifs auto,guest,rw,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mo de=0777 0 0

    now i have tried this too

    // /mnt/Vault cifs credentials=/home/timmy/.smbpassword,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mod e=0777 0 0

    and set the file up with the password and user..

    I followed this guide here and had no luck but it look like this guide was for ubuntu 7.10 i run kubuntu 8.04 so it might be deferent i don't know.

    i'm ok with linux no guru by any means but i can get around gui and term.. but if i ask you to explain a little more sorry i'm learning as i go :study:

    I have netbios install samba too..

    also i have read a few other guides and did some things like this..
    smbclient //Vault/Documents
    and got this
    smb: \>

    also got this command smbclient -L //
    this was the out put
    Domain=[VAULT] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.25b]

    Sharename Type Comment
    --------- ---- -------
    Photos Disk Default_Photos
    Music Disk Default_Music
    Videos Disk Default_Videos
    Backup Disk Default_Backup
    Documents Disk Default_Documents
    IPC$ IPC IPC Service (HPMediaVault Server)
    Domain=[VAULT] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.0.25b]

    Server Comment
    --------- -------

    Workgroup Master
    --------- -------

    I think this was just to test and see if it was visible on the network..

    Any and all help is greatly appreciated thanks....