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Video troubles after upgrade

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    Video troubles after upgrade

    I recently installed the 2.6.24-19-386 kernel in my Dell Inspiron 1100 laptop that has been happily running Kubuntu for several years now. After installation I re-booted as directed. At the point in the boot process the x-server normally starts I saw some strange lines and colours on my screen, and then everything went blank. I tried to re-start the x-server with Ctrl-Alt-Bkspc, but nothing happened. I re-booted into the recovery mode of the 2.6.24-19-386 kernel and tried the option of correcting an x-server. I saw a message about overwriting a custom xorg.conf file, and then chose "Resume normal boot". My box booted into Kubuntu as per normal. I checked the new xorg.conf file and found it was quite a "vanilla" file, with many generic entries, quite different from my old xorg.conf file that made specific reference to my video card, etc.

    My problem is that the video problem re-occurs on every boot. I see some garbled video and then the screen blanks. If I shut down and re-boot in recovery mode, selecting "Resume normal boot" option, I boot into my desktop. For some reason the "vanilla" xorg.conf file works during a boot in recovery mode, but not in a normal boot.

    Further, my wife has an laptop that is 100% identical to mine, but with Ubuntu 8.04installed (she prefers that interface). Her box performs normally after the 2.6.24-19-386 kernel upgrade.

    Has any one else encountered this problem with the 2.6.24-19-386 kernel? Any ideas how I can correct the xorg.conf file so it will work on a normal boot.?

    Re: Video troubles after upgrade


    Would help to know what video card you are using and what driver.



      Re: Video troubles after upgrade

      Sorry. The video card in my laptop is an Intel 82845G/GL/GE chipset integrated graphics device. As for what driver is being used, I'm not sure how to determine that.

