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Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

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    Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

    After a couple of weeks of increasingly strange error messages (which I now realise were pointing towards an impending drive failure) my HDD has died. However I have a Partimage copy of the root partition stored on my external drive. I'm wondering if I will be able to roll this into my new HDD once I have set it up with a similar partition structure and reinstalled Hardy, or will this simply be introducing problems to the new drive? My intended partitions will be:
    Root: 10GB, Swap 2GB, Home 38GB, Data: 80GB, with 3 spare 40GB partitions which are linked to Home.

    Re: Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

    I am no expert with partimage but I'll try and give you a partial answer.

    First use gparted live cd to partition your new HDD.

    Assuming you have /hom, /data backups you can now repopulate you new partitions and use partimage to play back your /.

    Now for the fun part. It is called uuid. This is an ID scheme made to utterly confuse most people while frustration attempts to change partitions sizes or make mew partitions and gives each partition its own unique ID.

    They live in your fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst which telly us which partitions to mount and which distro to boot respectively.

    These will most likely have been changed on your new HDD so you have to edit those two fles by hand so that your installation can boot and it sees the right partitions.

    Do do this you will have to boot up a live cd (Kubuntu).
    - Mount & activate all the partitions with system settongs>advanced>harddiskd&files>administrator mode.
    - open a terminal and do:
    this will give you a list of all the partitions / drives and their corresponding uuids.
    Take carefull not of these or copy / paste them into kate for better reading.
    - open up kate in admin mode:
    alt+F2>kdesudo kate>press enter> kate will open.
    navigate and open up /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst from your root partition ( / ).

    Change all the uuid's accordingly. Be careful to give the right partitions thier correct uuid you recieved from the terminal.

    That should do it.

    HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
    4 GB Ram
    Kubuntu 18.10


      Re: Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

      Thanks for your help - could you explain the reasoning behind using Gparted, as my first instinct would be to install from the Kubuntu Live CD, using the manual install, and partitioning there. I tried Gparted and can't get past one primary partition.


        Re: Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

        I have never seen GParted goof up.
        GParted is safe, clean, and gets it right. Not always so for the installer's partitioner.
        If GParted is having an issue, that means something is amiss.
        Re-check GParted and see if you can't make it go right.
        I ** always ** use GParted Live CD to do partitioning or partition editing before installing anything.
        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


          Re: Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

          Qqmike, you're quite correct. The fault (as usual) was mine - Gparted wasn't the problem, but me trying to partition an unformatted drive. I really should learn to think things through, instead of using the bull-at-the-gate approach.
          Anyhow, my Knoppix 5.3 Live CD has got me to the point of installing Hardy - I rather think I'll go with a fresh install, re-download all the updates, get things set up how I like, then do another Partimage copy of / to keep, as I'm sure to stuff something else up down the track.


            Re: Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

            "...trying to partition an unformatted drive. "

            Thanks for the feedback.
            I'm sure you are not the first to try to partition an unformatted drive ...

            GParted will usually prompt you to set up a drive label for a new drive, as I recall.
            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


              Re: Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

              GParted will usually prompt you to set up a drive label for a new drive, as I recall.
              Yes, I recall seeing something to that effect but wasn't game to pursue it, in case I dug a deeper hole. Anyways, I'm posting this from my shiny new install of Hardy, on my shiny new drive, just a few more things to add and I'm back to square one. As always, I have added to my font of linux knowledge from this experience. I even have Nvidia functioning properly for the first time since I adopted Kubuntu. Thanks again for your assistance, guys.


                Re: Best Way To Setup New Hard Drive

                ... and GParted calls it something like a "DOS label." I wouldn't know a DOS label from a smabel-label, but it seems to be a standard choice that I always accept and it always works. (Yeah, I know, one can google on it ...).

                Glad you're up and running, David!
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

