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HH + new monitor = mouse not working correctly?

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    HH + new monitor = mouse not working correctly?

    i have a microsoft mouse with 4 buttons and a wheel. i used to be able to just select some text, and then hit the left-side mouse button to paste the selected text anywhere i clicked. it was a functionality that i first became aware of when i was running mandrake, and it was one of the aspects of kubuntu that i had really gotten to like (it saved a lot of time, not having to hit ctrl+c to copy, and then ctrl+v to paste). it quickly became one of the reasons i liked kubuntu A LOT. i have used this functionality CONSTANTLY since before i first installed dapper, about a year ago. when i upgraded to hardy, the functionality came along for the ride, which suited me fine.

    i got a new monitor (of all things) recently. both monitors are made by sony (although the new one has a "Dell" logo on the front) and they both say "trinitron" on the case. the only difference is that the old monitor is 17" and the new one is 21". when i installed it, i didn't do anything to change the mouse settings at all. however, when i plugged the new monitor in, and turned it on, instead of doing the "copy and paste" function, the left-side mouse button does nothing... except in firefox, where, despite the fact that i have "Mouse Navigation" turned OFF in firefox, the left-side button takes me back to the previous page, which i definitely DO NOT like - or use - under most circumstances.

    i had the functionality i wanted using HH (w/KDE 3.5.9) with the previous monitor, but not with the current monitor.

    i looked under "System Settings" -> "Keyboard & Mouse" and didn't find anything that looked remotely close. also, i checked "klipper" -> "configure klipper" in the systray and didn't find it there, either...

    i checked with a more knowledgable kubuntu-user, and he suggested that it might be the xorg.conf file that was rewritten when i installed my new monitor, but i didn't do anything with the monitor other than plug it in and turn it on (maybe this was a mistake, but i don't know) and when i tried to do

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

    i got an error message that said

    FATAL: Error inserting battery (/lib/modules/2.6.24-16-generic/kernel/drivers/acpi/battery.ko): No such device

    i don't even have a battery... this is a desktop computer, not a laptop... and i made it out of bits and pieces of several other computers, none of which had batteries... 8/

    i looked at my xorg.conf file, and discovered that, truly, there are major differences between xorg.conf and xorg.conf.20080519140519 (which is the one before i installed the new monitor). specifically there was a section that said:

    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Configured Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "CorePointer"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "Protocol" "ImPS/2"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Emulate3Buttons" "true"

    and a section that said:

    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Default Layout"
    screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 0
    Inputdevice "Generic Keyboard"
    Inputdevice "Configured Mouse"

    # Uncomment if you have a wacom tablet
    # InputDevice "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
    # InputDevice "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
    # InputDevice "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"

    in the xorg.conf.20080519140519 which are not in the current version. i could probably guess where to paste the first section, but the second section appears to be in a part of the document which doesn't exist in the current version, so i don't know where it goes, and i hesitate to guess, as i'm pretty sure that "position is everything" in files like this...

    i checked with another more knowledgable kubuntu user, who suggested that i try installing imwheel -

    i don't understand why i have to install something that theoretically provides functionality that used to be there by default, but i installed imwheel.

    i don't know how to configure it, and it doesn't come with any documentation, so it's difficult for me to understand how it's going to solve my problem. the little bit of fooling around with it i have done has only resulted in my doing something that totally screwed up how my mouse functions, so i uninstalled it.

    what am i doing wrong? how do i get the functionality of my mouse back?
    ⇑ Hybrid Elephant
    ⇓ The world's finest exotic incense

    Re: HH + new monitor = mouse not working correctly?

    Sorry for the delayed response. Actually, position is NOT everything in your xorg.conf file. What counts is that all the appropriate sections be there and that they be mentioned in the "ServerLayout" section. Personally, instead of just #commenting them out, I totally remove all references to wacom graphics tablets from my xorg.conf file. I find it hard to believe that you can see anything at all if you don't have a ServerLayout section in your xorg.conf !

    BTW, the imwheel package is in the (*)buntu universe repository, if you want it.

