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NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem - SOLVED (AGAIN)

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    NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem - SOLVED (AGAIN)

    I've just reinstalled Kubuntu Hardy from scratch from the DVD. Also a new Nvidia 7300 card which is stable and working well under Windows on the other side of the dual boot (and where it pains me to relate, I'm typing this).

    Here is my xorg.conf at present -

    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout" "us"

    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Configured Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "CorePointer"

    Section "Device"
    Identifier "Configured Video Device"

    Section "Monitor"
    Identifier "Configured Monitor"

    Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Default Screen"
    Monitor "Configured Monitor"
    Device "Configured Video Device"

    Section "ServerLayout"
    Identifier "Default Layout"
    Screen "Default Screen"

    What I've done:
    - I've loaded Envy
    - do the NVidia settings change - get a message around needing to set NVidia as my card type and restart X. When I do this, I get text and a flashing screen, but no X. I've tried the Alt-F1, but no joy.

    so as far as I can see I can't get any further.


    Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem

    HOWTO: Install and use the Envy script installer for video drivers
    Windows no longer obstructs my view.
    Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
    "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


      Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem

      I also have had no joy trying to install GeForce 7100 Nvidia drivers with Envyng, in a new install of HH 8.04..From other postings regarding this issue, it looks like the new version of envy may have some compatibility issues. The utility installs OK, but looks like it is missing some driver dependencies. Maybe someone will help clarify this for us.

      UPDATE: Don't know what I did to correct this, but you can't knock success! After I rebooted the Nvidia Proprietary drivers loaded correctly, and all is well. I don't think Envyng had anything to do with it though, cause I never did get it to install the drivers properly.
      AMD Athlon 64 4800x2 ; Biostar Tforce 550 ; 2gb ; dual-boot Kubuntu 8.04 & Kubuntu 9.04; Dual-boot XP & Vista.


        Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem

        Only providing possibilities here, but:
        Re: Nvidia Driver Problems..
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem

          For Hardy Heron, you want the "EnvyNG" download file.

          After you install the Nvidia driver with Envy, but BEFORE you restart the X server, try this:

          sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite
          That overwrites the xorg.conf file to enable the driver and compositing. I dunno if it is helpful for a 7100 or 7300, but here's what I get for my 8800GTS:

          Section "Device"
          	Identifier	"Configured Video Device"
          	Driver		"nvidia"
          Section "Device"
          	Identifier	"Videocard0"
          	Driver		"nvidia"
          	Vendorname	"NVIDIA Corporation"
          	Boardname	"GeForce 8800 GTS"
          Section "Screen"
          	Identifier	"Screen0"
          	Device		"Videocard0"
          	Monitor		"Monitor0"
          	Defaultdepth	24
          	Option		"TwinView"	"0"
          	Option		"metamodes"	"1600x1200 +0+0"
          	Option		"AddARGBGLXVisuals"	"True"
          	Option		"Defaultdepth"	"24"
          Section "Extensions"
          	Option		"Composite"	"Enable"


            Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem

            Thanks for the help - it's not getting me home yet though.

            I originally installed Envy from the link provided.

            Here is the xorg.conf file after the nvidia-xconfig command

            Section "ServerLayout"
            Identifier "Default Layout"
            Screen "Default Screen" 0 0
            InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard"
            InputDevice "Configured Mouse"

            Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
            Driver "kbd"
            Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
            Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
            Option "XkbLayout" "us"

            Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier "Configured Mouse"
            Driver "mouse"
            Option "CorePointer"

            Section "Monitor"
            Identifier "Configured Monitor"

            Section "Device"
            Identifier "Configured Video Device"
            Driver "nvidia"

            Section "Screen"
            Identifier "Default Screen"
            Device "Configured Video Device"
            Monitor "Configured Monitor"
            DefaultDepth 24
            Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
            SubSection "Display"
            Depth 24
            Modes "nvidia-auto-select"
            When trying the kdm start, I get the text again. Note that if I kdm start again, I get told it's already running.

            In a moment of weakness, I've also taken dibl's xorg.conf file and tried that as is, with the exception of changing the NVidia model number. As could probably be expected that didn't work either.

            Anything further I can try?


              Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem - SOLVED!


              Solved this. After a few hours of trying things and pouring though these forums, started to look closer at the messages I got from Startx. This seemed to suggest that I should add a

              Option "NoPowerConnectorCheck"

              to the Xorg.conf.

              Once I did this, I got an error with a spurious "1" in the ServerLayout section. Then it all appeared in glorious 1600x1200 on my 19 inch monitor (if a little slow...)

              For the record for those that may be looking for pointers - my xorg.conf, looks like this

              Section "ServerLayout"
              Option "Metamodes" "1600x1200,1600x1200; 1600x1200,NULL; NULL,1600x1200"
              # Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "31-82"
              # Option "SecondMonitorVer
              Identifier "Default Layout"
              Screen "Default Screen" 0 0
              InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard"
              InputDevice "Configured Mouse"

              Section "InputDevice"
              Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
              Driver "kbd"
              Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
              Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
              Option "XkbLayout" "us"

              Section "InputDevice"
              Identifier "Configured Mouse"
              Driver "mouse"
              Option "CorePointer"

              Section "Monitor"
              Identifier "Configured Monitor"

              Section "Device"
              Identifier "Configured Video Device"
              Driver "nvidia"
              Option "NoPowerConnectorCheck"

              Section "Screen"
              Identifier "Default Screen"
              Device "Configured Video Device"
              Monitor "Configured Monitor"
              DefaultDepth 24
              Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
              SubSection "Display"
              Depth 24
              Modes "nvidia-auto-select"

              Section "Extensions"
              Option "Composite" "Enable"

              Thanks All!!!!


                Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem - SOLVED

                Thank YOU Colinux! There seem to be some unique requirements for the 7100 and 7300 cards -- that's good to know.


                  Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem

                  Now I'm not feeling so clever.

                  It never actually occured to me that a card could take a power cable. Now that I've plugged it in, its all stopped working again.

                  I didn't have much of a chance to investigate last night as I spent all the time getting Windows working again. (BTW, turned out to be an incompatibility between the NVidia 7300 and the Logitech WebCam!?)

                  Anyhow, 800x600 is way down the line now. I'm back to 640x480. Briefly tried to reload Envy and a Nvidia-xconfig, but it didn't work.

                  I'll post again when I get the chance to look at this further.


                    Re: NVidia 7300 - screen resolution problem - SOLVED (AGAIN)

                    Got around this one by trying to be a bit more observant than I usually am. I mean, heck, if you follow this thread, you'll see I didn't read the error message that was as clear as daylight and then didn't twig that I should actually plug the power cable into the video card.

                    Symptoms were that I was getting 640x480 and the standard nvidia-config wasn't working. Tried the suggestions in this post to no avail. ( i.e. sudo nvidia-xconfig --add-argb-glx-visuals --composite )

                    So I started looking at the xorg.conf file and putting in bits that looked right. I've ended up with this (and it works)

                    The 1600x1200 display I'm getting feels a bit quicker - and should seeing as the graphics card no longer needs to step itself down due to not having enough power.

                    Hope this helps somebody...

                    Section "ServerLayout"

                    # Option "SecondMonitorVer
                    Identifier "Default Layout"
                    Screen 0 "Default Screen" 0 0
                    InputDevice "Generic Keyboard" "CoreKeyboard"
                    InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
                    Option "Metamodes" "1600x1200,1600x1200; 1600x1200,NULL; NULL,1600x1200"
                    # Option "SecondMonitorHorizSync" "31-82"

                    Section "Module"
                    Load "glx"
                    Load "v4l"

                    Section "InputDevice"
                    Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
                    Driver "kbd"
                    Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
                    Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
                    Option "XkbLayout" "us"

                    Section "InputDevice"
                    Identifier "Configured Mouse"
                    Driver "mouse"
                    Option "CorePointer"

                    Section "Monitor"
                    Identifier "Configured Monitor"

                    Section "Device"
                    Identifier "Configured Video Device"
                    Driver "nvidia"
                    BoardName "nvidia"
                    Screen 0

                    Section "Screen"
                    Identifier "Default Screen"
                    Device "Configured Video Device"
                    Monitor "Configured Monitor"
                    DefaultDepth 24
                    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"
                    SubSection "Display"
                    Depth 24
                    Modes "nvidia-auto-select"

                    Section "Extensions"
                    Option "Composite" "Enable"

