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Wireless hardware not detected

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    Wireless hardware not detected

    Hello, I have the windows wireless drivers installed with ndiswrapper, and for a few times my wireless was working on my laptop, but I rebooted, and when I came back into kubuntu my wireless was not working. I clicked on the wireless KNetworkManager icon at the bottom right of my screen, and it wasn't able to find any wireless networks(I know for a fact that there are, I can find them with my windows partition). How do I get kubuntu to recognize my wireless in my laptop?

    Re: Wireless hardware not detected

    I don't know if I can help or not, but we may be in somewhat of the same boat (then again, I'm new to this ndiswrapper stuff). What kind of laptop/wireless card do you have?

    I have a Compaq Presario F761US, and I got the windows driver to work with ndiswrapper, but after a reboot (or two), I have to go back in, unload the driver and then load it back again in order for it to work again.

    Also as a side-note... If you have compiz fusion, you may want to disable the cube because that seems to interfere with some of the apps that load (like knetworkmanager, klipper, kget, korganizer and the power manager) into the task bar. I'm not sure why (could be my fault), but it's not something that I'm placing a priority on. But when that happens, knetwork manager is not accessable.

    I know it's not a real solution, but maybe it's something we can figure out.



      Re: Wireless hardware not detected

      I presume you are using a laptop so goto the manufacturer's website and find the driver required. Usually they have Linux drivers, should you only be able to find a so called .RPM installation file (for other Linux Distro's) there is software to convert it to .deb.

      If that doesn't work try reviewing installed hardware, if it shows the wlan card to be faulty, disable it and reboot. Log into Windows partition and disable similarly (don't uninstall). Reboot in Kubuntu. While not likely, Windows may not shutdown properly or close connections properly. -Again this is a last effort.

