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Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW Modem Question

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    Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW Modem Question

    I have a Toshiba laptop with the Intel modem stated. It works perfectly with 7.10, but I haven't had any luck getting it working in 8.04. Any ideas or links to updated drivers? 7.10 immediately recognized the modem and warned me that an unsupported driver was going to be used. I have downloaded and installed hsfmodem_7.60.00.18oem_i386.deb, but 8.04 doesn't seem to like that either. I keep getting a "Modem Is Busy" error message when I try to query the modem. Any help appreciated.

    Re: Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW Modem Question

    I know there were some notes somewhere about this new modem file, and also something to do with the ALSA drivers. I've been looking for these notes myself as I have the conexant winmodem in my Compaq F765 laptop. I recall seeing something regarding your situation, but I can't find the notes/HOWTO for this setup (I should have copied them to a text file when I saw them)

    I'm still looking, and when I find them, I'll post back.


      Re: Intel 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW Modem Question

      I'm back - - and I'm not a happy camper - - -

      I upgraded to 8.04 x86_64, abd I picked downloaded the proper drivers, did the install - -- - and I'm getting the same message

      There is a problem somewhere, but I can't pin point it yet. I also lost sound as suspected, but I'm leary of running the ALSA update Linuxant has in place pending the modem working.

      I may have to go back down to 7.10 and put my system back together there. If I don't have a modem - - I have no internet on this unit of mine.

      UPDATE!! - - -

      Saw this post on another forum - - Makes me wonder a bit
      modem "busy" in kernel 2.6



      I'm using a hard drive install of Knoppix 3.6. I can boot with kernel
      2.4.27 and kppp dialer works fine (dials, connects). Whenever I boot
      with kernel 2.6.7 and use the dialer, is always says modem is busy.
      This is even after complete shutdowns.

      Can anyone give me an idea of why this is? I want to use kernel 2.6... :-)

      Thanks for any help!

      Reply if your see anything - - I'm still on the hunt

