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Hardy not reading audio cd

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    Hardy not reading audio cd

    I upgraded from Gutsy, and got the sound working on my onboard audio, but neither Amarok nor kaffeine will recognize and play an audio cd. With difficulty I can get kaffeine to open one .wav track, but even that is iffy. this worked fine in gutsy.

    I do not know where to start with this one.
    AMD X2 64-bit with 64-bit Kubuntu hardy.


    Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

    Have you checked the audio device in the amarok xine settings?

    That is in settings - configure amarok - engine, the default device field. For my system, this has to be /dev/scd0, not /dev/cdrom. (Another poster in a Launchpad forum has /dev/scd1). I can see this if I open "media" in Dolphin, and right-click, properties the "Audio CD" item; the title of the pop-up is "Properties for scd0 - Dolphin".

    Note that the "KDE Daemon" that starts when one first loads an audio CD in the drive insists that the CD is on /dev/cdrom if I choose play the CD with Amarok. It invokes

    amarokapp --cdplay /dev/cdrom

    which forces the xine setting back to /dev/cdrom, and amarok gives an "Attempted to insert nothing into playlist" error.

    Regards, John Little


      Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

      Similar setup and same problem here:
      - no problems in kde3
      - kde4 sometimes works, if i use kde3 application ( dolphin for kde3 or konqueror)
      - kde4 and dolphin for kde4 often crashes with audio CDs
      - How do I configure the behavior of inserted AudioCDs in KDE4? I can#d find anything at "places". I don't even find an easy way to edit the places. The KIO media:/ or system:/media does not work.
      - If I insert an audioCD in KDE4 nothing happens. So, how do I get an "pop-up" which asks me what to do with the CD like in kde3? I don#t want to mount everything manually?
      - So in short: How do mount and configure CD / DVD drives n KDE4? The "System Settings" of KDE4 lacks this feature too.


        Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

        Have you looked at Medibuntu?


          Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

          Sorry, what has Medibuntu to do with this? I'm talking about the mounting / unmounting interface and the graphical visualisation aka "usability" of Dolphin and KDE4. Starting KDE3 or KDE3 applications within KDE4 solves the problems, but we want to improve the KDE4 desktop as such. It should be easy to use and fully functional even without using command line mounting or applications of an other desktop environment.
          If there really is a solution for my problem, then I'm sorry for writing this, but unfortunately did not find it.


            Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

            Sorry, thought you were having difficulty playing them, not mounting. My mistake.


              Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

              My optical drive (Asus DRW 1608P3S) "just worked", but let's look at the basics. What does the applicable mount line in /etc/fstab look like? Here's mine:

              /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0
              Obviously, this means there needs to be a mount point in /media named cdrom0.

              You might want to install the package hwinfo, which is a handy way to verify that your optical drive is seen correctly in the system. If it's not, then there is some issue with detecting it at installation.



                Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                Sorry, as I said already twice: It works and is detected, as it works when I start KDE3 and it works in KDE4 when accessing it means Dolphin for KDE3. So _how_ does KDE4 with your configuration notify you, is you put a new CD in? Where do you access it in Dolphin KDE4?


                  Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                  I'm running KDE4, exclusively.

                  When I insert a data CD or DVD into my optical drive, a small window entitled "Recently Plugged Devices" pops up in the lower right of my screen -- it is the same window that opens when I insert a USB stick in the USB connector. It offers to open the device in Dolphin.

                  If it's a data CD, I just use Dolphin and browse to it -- it shows up on the left-hand window. As an experiment, I just stuck an audio CD in. Nothing. And it doesn't show up in the Dolphin window either. I heard it spin up, but there were no notification windows. So, I did KMenu>Multimedia>K3b and opened K3b, and clicked "Device>Eject" and it ejected, and then I clicked "Device>Load" and it re-loaded. Hmmmmmmmm. So then I opened Kaffeine and clicked "Play Audio CD" and it immediately began to play {I picked a really bad one for the experiment :P}.

                  So, my little experiment shows this behavior:

                  -- data CDs and DVDs -- the "Plugged Device" notification window opens

                  -- audio CD -- no notifications whatsoever, but they are present and able to be used or played.

                  How does that compare with what you are seeing?


                    Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                    Yes, thank you. Exactly the same problem.
                    Audio CDs caused a pop-up in KDE3 as well, and I want to know, where I can configure it to happen. And the cause, why I sent in a Bug report is, that it is way to difficult to find, if it is existing. I've been a heavy user of Linux for 10 yeas, an I really do know, how to handle an audio CD. But I ja novice user should easily be able to use ist by using a graphical user interface. I liked the opportunity, that KDE 3 offered: Konqueror presented virtual folders containing MP3 OGG WAV and so on. Not that thez really were on the CD, but it was easy to copy or tanscode them. Something similar shold be available on KDE 4. As long as this is not implemented, the KDE4 Desktop is not ready for the masses. At least it shoud suggest the applications, that can be used to open them. And it shoud give the user the opportunity to user-mount. I did not get this.


                      Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                      Hit the hammer dead-on the nail Dibl. I think this is one of the many issues yet to be resolved in KDE4.


                        Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                        thanks, jlittle. Seting the xine engine to /dev/scd0 in Amarok has enabled audio Cd playing!



                          Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                          Ok, so now Amarok is playing audio CDs, but trying the similar configuration in Kaffeine, setting the xine media to dev/scd0 did not enable Kaffeine to play a Cd.
                          Any suggestions here?

                          Many thanks



                            Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                            Originally posted by drgb
                            Ok, so now Amarok is playing audio CDs, but trying the similar configuration in Kaffeine, setting the xine media to dev/scd0 did not enable Kaffeine to play a Cd.
                            (Assuming the missing / is a typo.) In my kaffeine, Settings - xine Engine Parameters - media the first setting is audio_cd.device, set to /dev/scd0, the colour indicating that it has been changed from the default.

                            I found generally that dolphin was on to it, that accessing the CD via dolphin's media window made things work. HTH.
                            Regards, John Little


                              Re: Hardy not reading audio cd

                              Upfront: forgive me my poor English, I am no native speaker.

                              Originally posted by jlittle
                              Note that the "KDE Daemon" that starts when one first loads an audio CD in the drive insists that the CD is on /dev/cdrom if I choose play the CD with Amarok. It invokes

                              amarokapp --cdplay /dev/cdrom

                              which forces the xine setting back to /dev/cdrom, and amarok gives an "Attempted to insert nothing into playlist" error.
                              I already noticed that, but it not only forces the xine configuration back for this setting, but for everything.
                              Even if you change the xine config and amarok's xine config in the files
                              and even ~/.xine/aaconfig
                              the complete xine configuration reverts back to the default values.

                              So I am able to populate the amarok playlist with audio CD tracks if I change the config file, but the moment I use the 'KDE daemon' every setting is lost and no tracks are added.

                              In contrast to that I have got kaffeine working for DVDs, but not for audio CDs, even though I have changed both device settings for audio_cd and dvd.
                              There's only a warning message (No audio CD found).
                              But if I use the context menu for the disc's desktop icon or the disc's icon on my media widget on 'Panel' and select kaffeine via 'Open with ...' it works just fine, including CDDB lookup, which never works for amarok.
                              While the disc is opened in kaffeine the system shows a dialog:
                              Title bar = Examining file progress
                              Body = Source: media:/<device, in my case scd2>, a progress bar displying 0, cancel button.

                              Interesting, isn't it?

                              So has anybody any hints what I could do to
                              - prevent amarok started via the "KDE daemon" to replace my config with the default
                              - get kaffeine to use the correct device for audio_cd

