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Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4.

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    Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4.

    I posted elsewhere in the forum but the issue is obviously a hardware issue so I am opening a new post because it belongs here and I am frustrated with the addition of suggestions already in that post that are known not to fix the issue.

    The original post is here: There is relevant discussion about diagnosis or other log-in issues, but suggestions regarding the Chrome 9 still revolve around the wrong issues.

    The live CD fails to load to the desktop with the CHROME 9 integrated graphics chipset in a machine: I have done a lot of work on trying different things and I have been using Kubuntu since Dapper and I do have quite a bit of knowledge and I am fairly sure this is a conflict of a default KDE4 package/file/setting and this particular piece of hardware. I am thinking this is a bug that is not easily resolved.

    This particular post should remain true to the CHROME 9 integrated graphics chipset. There are other reasons why KDE4 might not load, but this one is a very specific issue. It has nothing to do with Compiz, or permissions or desktop settings, or deleting files to get it to work. Compiz is not even installed by default and nor are the KDE4 desktop effects enabled (via systemsettings) by default within KDE4.

    Here is where the issue starts:

    KDE4 fails with chrome 9 "out of the box" running a live cd, KDE3 versions run fine

    Here are my results with 3 different versions:
    alpha 3
    alpha 4

    Hardware: Asus K8V-VM AMD motherboard with the chrome 9 video in K8M890 chipset.
    The same CD's work on my Acer Laptop, ASUS EEE_PC (of all things), and my one desktop.

    The results of the one with the chrome 9 video:

    A) Live CD starts
    1. X starts and the little X appears
    2. runs to the splash screen
    3. locks on the K (last) step of splash
    4. starts over and one must hit reset or power to stop the cycle: ctrl alt bkspace, ctrl alt F1 have no response

    B) Install - If the install option is used from boot options, it does indeed install and I thought I could fix something. On booting with the install:
    1. X starts and the login screen appears
    2. login - runs the splash screen
    3. locks on the K step of splash, screen flickers (like X is trying to restart?)
    4. starts over and one is put back to the login screen
    5. from "failsafe," applications launch from the command line.
    a) installed kubuntu-desktop (KDE3) - it runs
    b) installed kubuntu-desktop-kde4
    i.) thus making sure kdm-kde4 is the default login greeter
    ii.) logged out/in
    iii.) login screen appears: KDE4 still fails but KDE3 still works

    Additional Notes - the first one is very important to people thinking it is a permissions issue
    1) KDE4 runs in Xephyr within KDE3
    2) It also runs in VritualBox on the same machine with a WinXP host.
    --> last to points are to suggest that there isn't something wrong with the machine pr CD itself.

    C) Other attempts to fix this fail
    1. It is NOT a permissions issue so deleting directories, files, or using chmod with recursive option, etc. don't work. Did these things anyway at the suggestions of others. I was kind of frustrated with this strong suggestion because they didn't read the whole post. A live CD would not work on one machine and fail to start because of a permissions issue.

    Before Proceeding I did: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/ to copy the original file
    2. Installed/reinstalled related openchrome driver files, logged into KDE3 and changed the driver; tweaked X for resolution (it wanted to a virtual thing and make the default screen bigger than the monitor could support), restarted X. KDE4 doesn't work, but KDE3 looked much better (desktop didn't look "smeared"). Did another sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /home/ after renaming the one already there to an "old" extension.
    3. Logged back into KDE3, changed driver to VESA and X would not restart.
    -->Did a sudo cp to put the one in home back into /etc/X11 so I could at least use KDE3

    Other items that may be of use: it seems unrelated to monitor, but I am using a dell LCD with a max resolution of 1024x768. I doubt this has much to do with anything but all information helps I suppose.

    Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

    Good diagnosis -- I concur.

    Note that running it in a virtual machine will mostly isolate the OS in the VM (Kubuntu HH/KDE4, in this case) from the underlying real hardware. So, if your real hardware is happy with OS "A", but not OS "B", then OS "B" might run satisfactorily in a compatible VM, but not natively on the actual hardware.

    This is the great weakness with "testing" an OS in a VM. You can't actually learn how compatible it is with your real hardware, you only learn how compatible it is with your VM configuration.


      Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

      I figured the VM was unnecessary info, but just tried to give a complete description. It does allude to the fact that permissions were not the issue, as several replies suggested.

      There is an issue with the via chrome 9 chip: Someone replied to my post under "software"

      The workaround seems to be to compile the driver manually. I've never done that: not that I would be unwilling, but KDE3 is fine on that machine and I'll just deal. I could put an AGP card in it for a few bucks anyway and get around the whole thing.

      The post suggests that KDE4 is fine but the xserver, when called to do certain tasks using the packaged driver, is causing the issue.

      It should be fixed, as these chips are fairly common in motherboards. I like AMD, but they tend to use this chip, but Intel will use its own and that one (i810) works... even with compiz. The Sis and Chrome tend to be crap with complex graphics... although they work for the intended OS and that isn't apparently linux.


        Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

        Originally posted by maestrobwh1

        The Sis and Chrome tend to be crap with complex graphics... although they work for the intended OS and that isn't apparently linux.
        Yep, I think you pretty much captured the entire problem situation with that sentence!


          Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

          I'd prefer VIA over SiS anyday...

          But the thing is it does work fine using the linux driver from VIA. Why can't Kubuntu or whoever just use that driver? Why do they put one in that doesn't work?


            Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

            I'd assume if via offers it, then I have the same question... so if you have more information; what exactly do I need to do to get this driver working? Any good "how to's" to recommend? I'd assume it isn't packaged as a *.deb as that would be too easy;-)


              Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

              I used Snowhog's suggestion from the other post:


              And that's for 6.10 so 2 years later they have still not fixed the problem...


                Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

                There was just a recent post elsewhere that suggest that this has been fixed:



                  Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4.

                  Download latest ISO now.... Will post back on results - hopefully they're good


                    Re: Chrome 9 integrated graphics- live CD's - X starts but fails login with KDE4

                    I just tried the newest kde4 iso (beta -rc), and it did exactly the same thing. I think someone must have posted the fact that it works in regards to Hardy 8.04 with kde3

                    I also tried to compile the driver from source and it ended up a failure... it just could not seem to completely get to the end of the process... the driver files had different names than mentioned in the post
                    and I also could not figure out which of the two to use so I tried the one tar package starting with VT.... and followed the directions but with the directories that unzipped tar created. Couldn't get to the install step. I tried the K8M tar next and that was even less cooperative, but from that I think I learned that perhaps I would have had to log in to the root recovery mode rather than try to compile it in konsole. It's just too much work at that point with remembering directories and such... I am a GUI kind of guy.

                    I did eventually find the referenced driver file in the post:

                    Here is the "failed" output:
                    root@tom-desktop:/home/tom/CN_CX700-CN800XORG40071-kernel-src_20061107/src# ./makedriver
                    Which version driver you want to release ?

                    mkdir: cannot create directory `/CN_CX700-CN800XORG400/': File exists
                    mkdir: cannot create directory `/CN_CX700-CN800XORG400//': File exists

                    Which CPU do you use ?
                    1. VIA C3-2(C5N/C5P), Intel Pentium 2/3/4
                    2. VIA C3
                    3. AMD K7
                    4. AMD K8 with 32 bits OS(x86)
                    5. AMD K8 with 64 bits OS(x86_64)
                    cd: 5: can't cd to ../../../../../../config/imake
                    okay, continuing in programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/via
                    + rm -f Makefile.bak
                    + mv -f Makefile Makefile.bak
                    ../../../../../../config/imake/imake -I../../../../../../config/cf -Wundef -DTOPDIR=../../../../../.. -DCURDIR=programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/via
                    /bin/sh: ../../../../../../config/imake/imake: not found
                    make: *** [Makefile] Error 127
                    Vim: Warning: Input is not from a terminal
                    Makefile:4: *** commands commence before first target. Stop.
                    cp: cannot stat `via_drv.o': No such file or directory
                    -------- Complete to make & copy driver --------

                    It made me wonder why I have to do this whole thing. It is obvious to me that if someone who really knew what they were doing made a *deb package and replaced the existing item in the repositories, then that should take about 10 minutes for an expert.

                    Didn't completely break my system... but I had issues reverting back to installing the xserver openchrome package with some conflicts and dependency issues but I got around it eventually.

                    I'll live with kde 3 until someone fixes this. I filed a bug last week regarding the openchrome driver and kde 4. It'll eventually be fixed.

