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Kubuntu on virtualbox

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    Kubuntu on virtualbox

    I have installed latest release of virtualbox over windows vista bussines host on acer laptop 6292.

    I have installed alpha release of kubuntu with kde 4 as host to evaluate the powerfull of this distribution.

    I have installed the guest additions. The mouse works correctly but I cannot change the display settings. Than the video resolution is only 800x600.
    On Ububtu guest machine I can change the resolution until 1280x800.

    What can I do?


    Re: Kubuntu on virtualbox

    From my dealings with Virtual Box, that is a set resolution and can't be changed. It is annoying and I do hope they'll at least up it to 1024x768. I've never found anything out there that would help in changing that.


      Re: Kubuntu on virtualbox

      Try this xorg.conf file on your guest, then restart X (on the guest, of course):
      Section "InputDevice"
          Identifier   "Generic Keyboard"
          Driver     "kbd"
          Option     "XkbRules"   "xorg"
          Option     "XkbModel"   "pc105"
          Option     "XkbLayout"   "us"
      Section "InputDevice"
          Identifier   "Configured Mouse"
        Driver   "vboxmouse"
        Option   "CorePointer"
      Section "Device"
          Identifier   "Configured Video Device"
        Driver   "vboxvideo"
          BusID      "PCI:0:2:0"
      Section "Monitor"
          Identifier   "Configured Monitor"
      Section "Screen"
          Identifier   "Default Screen"
          Monitor     "Configured Monitor"
          Device     "Configured Video Device"
          DefaultDepth  24
          SubSection "Display"
                Modes "1670x950" "1152x864" "1024x768"
      You can change the "1670x950" to be the resolution you want as your default. I did try switching between resolutions and going down in resolution worked, but when I tried to go back up, the guest window scrambled. I had to restart X on the guest to get the screen fixed.


        Re: Kubuntu on virtualbox

        I'm not at my system to test this, but I will. Thanks!


          Re: Kubuntu on virtualbox

          Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



            Re: Kubuntu on virtualbox

            I happened across this post. My monitor's max resolution is 1024 x 768. Is there some intermediate setting I can create between that and the 800 x 600? Something that would keep the ratio... like 960 x 720? I don't know enough about xorg to know if only certain numbers for resolutions are possible...


              Re: Kubuntu on virtualbox

              Originally posted by maestrobwh1

              Is there some intermediate setting I can create between that and the 800 x 600? Something that would keep the ratio... like 960 x 720?
              The good news is, I found the answer. The bad news is ..... it is "no".



                Re: Kubuntu on virtualbox

                Wow... thanks. Oddly, with all the combinations... the answer really is no. I was kind of hoping to have something almost as big as 1024 x 768 to make the screen more usable. I find that in KDE4, one cannot seem to hold the alt key and use the mouse to move a window so that one can see the buttons (i.e. in systemsettings, apply, cancel, etc appear below the taskbar) In KDE3 I can get around this easily.

                Using Linux as a host and Win as the guest, the frame of the window can be moved and the "display" just adjusts to the size of the window (the adjustment seems to be able to handle weird ratios that don't exist on "real" displays).

                Vice versa, I guess the xserver is more defined in what it will accept when running in a display mode so it has to be one of the defined resolutions. It makes sense that this is so, because if the display properties is opened in either OS, Win does have more lines between "actual" displays that exist. Using the display manager in KDE, it just has the standard options.

