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vmware-server not working after kernel update

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    vmware-server not working after kernel update


    Yesterday there was an update for the kernel. After that vmware-server doesn't work anymore.
    I searched on Internet but couldn't find a solution that worked for me (and I'm afraid to break something else too). I reinstalled vmware-server out of the repos after completely removing it: no difference.
    The VMWare Server Console (the graphical program I mean) says: "Unable to change virtual machine power state: The process exited with an error: End of error message."

    When I start vmware in the konsole by typing 'vmware' I get:
    /usr/lib/vmware-server/bin/vmware: /usr/lib/vmware-server/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/
    kde-config: /usr/lib/vmware-server/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/
    kde-config: /usr/lib/vmware-server/lib/ no version information available (required by /usr/lib/

    Does anyone know how to solve this? I build sites and I really need Windows to check sites in that horrible Internet Explorer...

    Some more information:
    When I boot with kernel 2.6.22-14 I get exactly the same errors in konsole, but vmware is working.
    The new kernel that doesn't work is 2.6.22-15
    So I wonder if the message in the konsole has anything to do with it...

    Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

    For VMware Player, after a kernel upgrade it is necessary to run (when booted in to the new kernel)
    to re-configure. I don't know whether it's the same with VMware Server.


      Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

      Thanks for replying!
      I remember something like that for vmware-server too, but I used to get some kind of message in konsole.
      I tried running, but it's not there. Locate can't find it.
      There is so I tried that, thinking it's maybe a different name for the server. It starts normal, but ends with:

      Would you like to skip networking setup and keep your old settings as they are?
      (yes/no) [yes]

      Generating SSL Server Certificate

      Starting VMware services:
      Virtual machine monitor failed
      Virtual ethernet failed
      Module vmnet is not loaded. Please verify that it is loaded before
      running this script.

      On Softpedia I've read: Due to an unavoidable ABI change, the kernel packages have a new version number, which will force you to reinstall or recompile all third-party kernel modules you might have installed. For example, after the upgrade to the above version of your kernel package, a software such as VirtualBox will NOT work anymore, therefore you must recompile its kernel module by issuing a specific command in the terminal. Moreover, if you use the Linux-restricted-modules package, you have to update it as well to get modules which work with the new Linux kernel version.

      I'm reading quite a lot about Linux, but I'm still rather unknown with it, so I have no idea what kind of 'specific command' they could mean.


        Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

        Originally posted by Goeroeboeroe

        Would you like to skip networking setup and keep your old settings as they are?
        (yes/no) [yes]

        Generating SSL Server Certificate

        Starting VMware services:
        Virtual machine monitor failed
        Virtual ethernet failed
        Module vmnet is not loaded. Please verify that it is loaded before
        running this script.
        This looks like the same configuration messages as I see when I re-configure Player, so I think it's the same.

        The problem with vmnet may require the any-any-update-117 patch. Are you familiar with that?


          Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

          No, but I found it and have run it. (Sorry, my English is not too good, I'm afraid).
          It gives me this error:

          /home/peter/Desktop/vmware-any-any-update117>sudo ./
          Updating /usr/bin/ ... corrupted
          Updating /usr/bin/vmware ... No patch needed/available
          Updating /usr/bin/vmnet-bridge ... No patch needed/available
          Updating /usr/lib/vmware-server/bin/vmware-vmx ... No patch needed/available
          Updating /usr/lib/vmware-server/bin-debug/vmware-vmx ... No patch needed/available
          VMware modules in "/usr/lib/vmware-server/modules/source" has been updated.
          Before running VMware for the first time after update, you need to configure it
          for your running kernel by invoking the following command:
          "/usr/bin/". Do you want this script to invoke the command for
          you now? [yes]
          sh: /usr/bin/ not found
 is not corrupted, it's just completely missing.


            Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

            Hmmmmmmmmmm. That's odd -- I have not seen that problem before. I'm afraid you are doomed to a complete reinstallation of your VMware Server -- vmware-config is not a separate package.


              Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

              I did reinstall it already, but I'll try again.
              But maybe it's time I just forget about vmware. The only reason I'm not running Hardy is because I had trouble with vmware. I found the patch for Hardy, but every time I went into vmware my shift-key didn't work anymore. I had to go to keyboard-settings and change something to get it working again. That drives you pretty quick completely crazy.

              Well, I'm going to reinstall it first again. Grrrr.
              By the way, is that Vincent van Gogh in your avatar?


                Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                Originally posted by Goeroeboeroe
                I did reinstall it already, but I'll try again.
                But maybe it's time I just forget about vmware. The only reason I'm not running Hardy is because I had trouble with vmware. I found the patch for Hardy, but every time I went into vmware my shift-key didn't work anymore. I had to go to keyboard-settings and change something to get it working again. That drives you pretty quick completely crazy.

                Well, I'm going to reinstall it first again. Grrrr.
                By the way, is that Vincent van Gogh in your avatar?
                I dunno what's going on there. :P VMware Player runs solid as a rock on my Hardy Heron system.

                Hah -- I did not realize my avatar looks like Vincent van Gogh until you wrote that. You are right -- there is a good resemblance. But no, I found that guy in an old family reunion photograph from the 1880s. I don't actually know who he was, but he was some relative or in-law of my gg grandparents.


                  Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                  Reinstalled. And it changed something. I know get the error
                  Generating SSL Server Certificate
                  Starting VMware services:
                    Virtual machine monitor                      failed
                    Virtual ethernet                          failed
                  Module vmnet is not loaded. Please verify that it is loaded before
                  already during installing vmware server. Then I can enter my registration code, and the $)(^*) just stops.

                  But when I reboot in the old kernel it's still working, so it's not really urgent anymore. But I think in a few weeks I'll try to upgrade to Hardy again, and try vmware again, or switch to virtialbox or another virtual machine.
                  Thanks a lot for your help.
                  And, uh, if you're not sure who that is, maybe it ís Vincent van Gogh That's my favorite painter.


                    Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                    I had the same problem after the kernel upgrade to but have been away so I hoped to come back and find it fixed. Just checked and vmware-server-kernel-modules- has not been upgraded so I assume that is why vmware server still works when running the older (14) kernel but not the newer (15) version. I hope it will get an upgrade soon - I have 8.04 but it is not ready to be my main work machine yet. I have 7.10 set just as I need it - only want vmware back!


                      Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                      It still doesn't run on 22-15, but it runs perfectly well on 22-14. So I just boot in the old kernel till it's updated or till I install Hardy.


                        Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                        I don't understand what's wrong with your VMware. Here:
                        dibl@cville:~$ uname -a
                        Linux cville 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 14:15:37 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux
                        And VMware Player has never run better.

                        Did you install VMware from a downloaded tarball? I'm running ver. 2.0.4 of the free Player.

                        If you have your VM and are able to copy it, maybe Virtual Box OSE will run it -- allegedly it will run any VM that will run in VMware.


                          Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                          Read that he is running vmware-server and not the player. I was wondering if the vmware any-any-update116 patch was required for the server as it is for the player
                          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                            Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                            Maybe it has something to do with 7.10 or 8.04. Just guessing. But I tried the any-any-thing etc.
                            Nothing worked. But for me it's not a big problem. I just run the old kernel and in 2-3 week I'll probably upgrade to Hardy.
                            I guess feirefis is having the same problem as I have.
                            Forgot: I installed it out of the repos.


                              Re: vmware-server not working after kernel update

                              Just for absolute clarification, you are running the VMWare Server and not the Player, yes?
                              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
                              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
                              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

