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Embarrasingly Noobish compiz Question...that darn cube.

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    Embarrasingly Noobish compiz Question...that darn cube.

    Ok so I installed compiz, (good fun that was), and even managed emerald as well. Its running now and all is groovy, except for that darn 3d cube I always see on youtube. What I do have to switch desktops is a 2d flat plane that I can control with Cntrl-Alt and mouse1. So I trotted off to multiple desktop under system settings, figuring I need 6 desktops to make the cube, (I am an inherently logical creature),

    However thats when the the wheels fell off. To get 6 desktops registered on the bar at the bottom of the screen I needed to select 3 on the multiple desktop manager under system setting as 6 got me 12...(?) and in anycase I still only got a 2D plane and effectively 2 desktops.

    I realize the answer is blindingly obvious and I'll feel like a right muppet when someone points out my error...(and yes GLXgears works just fine).

    so whose going to make me look like a muppet?

    Re: Embarrasingly Noobish compiz Question...that darn cube.

    Originally posted by WindSpider

    so whose going to make me look like a muppet?
    It's tough, dirty work -- OK, I will!

    The double-secret decoder handshake recipe is this (for Gutsy -- don't try it on Hardy):

    Right click your desktop, and click "Configure Desktop". Find Multiple Desktops, which defaults to 2. Change it to one, and save it.

    Now open your compiz settings, and find "horizontal size" and change that to 4.

    4 horizontal sides, plus top and bottom caps, gets you a cube.


      Re: Embarrasingly Noobish compiz Question...that darn cube. works. but cubes still have 6 sides...I got 4 working desktops and the top and bottom ones have nice yet rather silly pictures on them, (I was messing about...before it was a very unfetching mustard yellow)

      To be perfectly honest I probably don't need more than 4, so its no biggie, but I would like to put different and abstract wallpapers on each.


        Re: Embarrasingly Noobish compiz Question...that darn cube.

        Originally posted by WindSpider

        I would like to put different and abstract wallpapers on each.
        I have not heard a reliable report on how to do that. So post it, please, if you happen to stumble on a method.

        I can't explain why you would still have a hexagonal polygon instead of a cube. Did you restart your X server after fiddling with the desktop sizes?


          Re: Embarrasingly Noobish compiz Question...that darn cube.

          Multiple wallpapers in Compiz is doable (easier in Ubuntu) in Kubuntu, but, it requires some work. This post describes how it's done. I haven't wanted to make the attempt, but ....
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Embarrasingly Noobish compiz Question...that darn cube.

            Wow -- that is daunting, isn't it? But tempting, too .....

            Thanks, Snowhog!

