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Question about email spam blacklisted

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    Question about email spam blacklisted

    I work in a small office and we have 3 PCs and a Kubuntu Fileserver and our IP has been blacklisted for sending spam e-mail. I am confident that its not any of our PCs doing this and I dont konw how to check running processes/programs/whatever on our Fileserver. The person who set up out Linux fileserver took a leave of absences, and I dont have looked around on the Server but cant tell if anything is running or sending e-mails out. Im sure its not but would like to make sure.

    Thanks in advance.

    Re: Question about email spam blacklisted

    If ubuntu, which is the server edition without the kde desktop, was installed, then you have a mail server running, courier. You can verify this by typing 'ksystemlog' on a command line, if courier is running you will see various entries.

    Nowadays though most isp's will not let you use port 25, which is for sending email, and when this port is not available the machine can not send email, even is a mailserver was running.

    A way to check if ports on a machine are open is to go here: click on the logo then look for a link called ShieldsUp, you can enter a port number and it will tell you if it's open to the outside world.

    Hope this helps.
    Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


      Re: Question about email spam blacklisted

      Thanks that does help, I also talked to our ISP and port 25 is closed. We still cant figure out how we got blacklisted.

