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kvpnc halts

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    kvpnc halts

    Hi there. This is the case. My uni offers to all students o *.ovpn file and a key folder to use openvpn. The reason we do that is to allow students to connect to official scientific sites (ieee, acm etc) from their home but allowing them to have an IP provided by the uni. In that way they have full access to the digital library of those organizations.

    I installed kvpnc and openvpn and imported the my_uni.ovpn file. I get:

    info: Import of "UPatras" (OpenVPN) was successful.
    info: Profile "UPatras" added.
    debug: "openvpn" started.
    ant that's it! No connection no nothing. It just sits there sayin connecting and nothing happens. Any idea?

    Re: kvpnc halts

    Ok guys some help here cause i'm driving mad >. I've installed openvpn and i'm trying to use knetworkmanager to establish a vpn connection. Networkmanager has a vpn tool. I start it, select vpn connections -> add and i try to setup my connection. I have three files that my uni provided: upatras.ovpn, ta.key, ca.crt. I don't know what protocol i have to use (X-509, password authentication etc..). I've tried some combination using the files mentioned but when trying to get an IP a message pops up saying that it couldn't establish a connection to the vpn server. Please help, i'm desperate, itry to set it up since last night. Not to mention that importing the ovpn file to kvpnc was also worthless.


      Re: kvpnc halts

      When trying to connect with kvpnc i get in the log file:

      info: Trying to connect to server "" with ... 
      debug: "openvpn" started.
      error: OpenvpnManagementHandler: Got no greeting within 3 seconds from management interface, retrying.
      info: Send username...
      info: Send password...
      error: Port binding failed
      success: Successful connect try canceled.
      error: Port binding failed
      I also get the message TLS Error: TLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)


        Re: kvpnc halts

        I have three files that my uni provided: upatras.ovpn, ta.key, ca.crt.
        Put these files into a separate directory in your home directory.

        Open a command shell and cd to that directory.

        sudo openvpn upatras.ovpn
        Enter your password and see if it works.


