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compiz as the default window manager in kde

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    compiz as the default window manager in kde

    I googled for over an half hour, that is a lot and means an answer is hard to find.
    Fresh compiz installed and working, but it does not autostart unless I put a script in .kde/autostart which messes up my startup sequence, for instance giving me a black screen for a while when the window manager switches, and there's a bug with adept_notifier.
    So me thinks make compiz default window manager but surprisingly there is hardly anything to read how to do this or it just escapes me.
    Maybe there is a reason this is hardly mentioned?

    Thank you.
    Greetings from Groningen Netherlands

    Re: compiz as the default window manager in kde

    The default screen manager for Kubuntu is the K Display Manager (KDM). Compiz is an application that runs on KDM (or GDM for Ubuntu). So the best you can do is set Compiz to auto-start upon logging in. Depending on the speed of your graphics hardware, there will be a "blink" or a "turns black for a short while", prior to showing the compiz-managed desktop.

    What I did on Gutsy was to take advantage of Kubuntu's "memory" for apps running at shutdown. With Compiz and the window decorator of my choice (Emerald) running, just shutdown the system. Upon restart and logging in, compiz starts automatically with the window decorator. The Emerald part of this scheme doesn't seem to want to play nice on Hardy Heron, so compiz starts automatically and then I have to run Emerald to get the window borders that I want.

    I think that's the best you can do.


      Re: compiz as the default window manager in kde

      I think that's the best you can do
      Hi there dibl

      Well, that clears up why there is no info on this. Like you I have a reasonable fast graphics card, nvidia 7600 GT, but it does show on startup. By 'ubuntu's memory for apps' I think you mean the session manager. Tried that because I hoped entries in there would have precedence over those in .kde/autostart but that either does not seem to be the case, or else the startup from compiz is slow anyway.
      Well, now I know this limitation I can live with it.

      Greets from rainy Groningen.
      Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


        Re: compiz as the default window manager in kde

        Sure -- I think you're right about Session Manager. You don't need to put anything in .kde/Autostart to have Compiz run on login.

        I previously ran an Nvidia 7900GS, and it ran Beryl/Compiz reasonably well.

        Yes, March can be a rude month in the midwest USA, as well as northern Europe. Today, we will have some snow, falling into the flood.

