So, I've been using Gutsy for a while, and it seem that KDE is "gutsy" about maxing out the used RAM. I finally managed to get a rough estimate of my RAM using one of the gDesklets.
It seems that after an initial boot with basic programs running, I'm using 440-490 MB of 1 GB of RAM. This is more than enough RAM, likely.
However, after a short period of time, it seems that KDE maxes out the RAM, and starts acting like it's trying to "swap", since the RAM used doesn't go down, and it stays at a high of 980+ MB.
I can close all my running programs, and it won't free up more than maybe 20 MB of RAM. I'm not sure what I've managed to screw around with. Amarok most noticeably starts "halting" the moment that I try to load ANY page in Konqueror and ANY sort of additional complex page mechanism (such as Javascript).
I don't know what's hogging all my memory and making it act like it's a giant ape, but it's beginning to seriously screw with me. I'm getting tired of it acting like I don't have enough RAM.
What solutions are there for this?
It seems that after an initial boot with basic programs running, I'm using 440-490 MB of 1 GB of RAM. This is more than enough RAM, likely.
However, after a short period of time, it seems that KDE maxes out the RAM, and starts acting like it's trying to "swap", since the RAM used doesn't go down, and it stays at a high of 980+ MB.
I can close all my running programs, and it won't free up more than maybe 20 MB of RAM. I'm not sure what I've managed to screw around with. Amarok most noticeably starts "halting" the moment that I try to load ANY page in Konqueror and ANY sort of additional complex page mechanism (such as Javascript).
I don't know what's hogging all my memory and making it act like it's a giant ape, but it's beginning to seriously screw with me. I'm getting tired of it acting like I don't have enough RAM.
What solutions are there for this?