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can't umount SOLVED

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    can't umount SOLVED

    Still learning..

    I mounted an iso into the same folder as the iso. That was probably a bad idea because the iso is now gone and I can't umount it. The mount shows up in mtab though.

    When I try to delete the files I get 'can not remove, read only file system'.

    Now what do I do. I know it's a bad idea to ignore this and just reboot because I suspect this is bad for the harddisk.

    The mount command was: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 "Logical Label.iso"
    (a grateful dead concert).

    Greetings from Groningen Netherlands

    Re: can't umount

    What was the exact command you've typed in to unmount ?

    The mount operation should look something like this :

    sudo mount -t iso9660 <name_of_iso.iso> /media/cdrom0 -o loop

    It would also help to have a look at the output of your 'mount' command.

    In Konsole, type:
    and copy the output here please.
    Acer Aspire 5100<br />Kubuntu Hardy 8.04


      Re: can't umount

      Well, that was 'sudo umount -o loop -t iso9660 Logical\40Label.iso'

      But the file 'Logical\40Label.iso' does not exist anymore. So it can't be found when trying to unmount.

      It seems that when you mount an iso somewhere, the contents of that map are overwritten, I didn't know that.
      Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


        Re: can't umount

        sudo umount -o loop -t iso9660 Logical\40Label.iso
        To unmount, the '-o loop -t iso9660' isn't necessary anymore.

        if you've mounted it with the command:
        sudo mount -t iso9660 <name_of_iso.iso> /media/cdrom0 -o loop
        it should be sufficiënt to unmount with the command:
        sudo umount /media/cdrom0
        How does it show up in your mtab file ?

        Please copy the output of the 'mount' command inhere, so the rest of us could have a look at it.
        Acer Aspire 5100<br />Kubuntu Hardy 8.04


          Re: can't umount

          To unmount, the '-o loop -t iso9660' isn't necessary anymore.
          Sorry that was a mistake with copy and paste.

          it should be sufficiënt to unmount with the command:
          sudo umount /media/cdrom0
          How does it show up in your mtab file ?
          I have not made myself clear. I mounted the iso into it's own map, it was this:
          sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 Logical\ label.ISO ./

          And this is the mtab entry:
          /home/jean/news/GreatDead_-_Alive_nzb/Logical\040label.ISO /home/jean/news/GreatDead_-_Alive_nzb iso9660 rw,loop=/dev/loop0 0 0

          So because I mounted the thing in it's own map, the filesystem does not see that damn .iso anymore and so cannot unmount it it seems.
          Hope this is more clear.

          Friend of mine just suggested to just remove the entry from mtab and reboot, which would make the .iso there visisble again.
          Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


            Re: can't umount

            Het valt te proberen
            Acer Aspire 5100<br />Kubuntu Hardy 8.04


              Re: can't umount

              No that does not help, the entry is gone from mtab after reboot but the files (a map with <video_ts>) is still there and refuses to be deleted:

              rm: cannot remove `GreatDead_-_Alive_nzb//video_ts/video_ts.ifo': Read-only file

              Trying to change permissions does not work either:
              jean@main:~/news/GreatDead_-_Alive_nzb/video_ts$ sudo chmod a+rw *
              chmod: changing permissions of `video_ts.bup': Read-only file system
              Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


                Re: can't umount SOLVED

                Doing a full reboot, not only an x restart, did solve the problem.
                Although ubuntu did not shut down very gracefully, complaining about not able to unmount. Damn.

                Lesson learned. Mount only into an empty map.

                Thanks for your efforts though v_override.
                Greetings from Groningen Netherlands


                  Re: can't umount SOLVED

                  Np. Glad the thing got solved
                  Acer Aspire 5100<br />Kubuntu Hardy 8.04

