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Essentials for switching

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    Essentials for switching

    I think a lot of people take an interest in Linux because they want to switch from using Windows for two reasons:
    1) Windows isn't free
    2) Windows is starting to get ridiculously dumbed-down (I was liking it up until XP, but Vista is just dire)

    Microsoft Windows is a magnificient operating system; I mean I've been using it for about 15 years, from about Win 3.11 for Workgroups, to Win 95, to Win 98, up to Win XP Pro SP2. It's extremely stable, it rarely crashes if not abused.

    Windows is no easy competition when it comes to replacing your operating system. At the moment, I've got a few operating systems on my machine, and I'm slowly but surely trying to switch to using Kubuntu as my main OS. I want to switch to Linux for these reasons:
    1) It's free
    2) It's not getting ridiculously dumbed down (well hopefully it won't)
    3) Everything in Linux starts with the commandline (I like this)
    4) I like the file system, mounting stuff from the root directory and so forth

    The major drawback tho of switching to Linux is simply that 15 years experience with another OS is hard to beat. Anyway, I was hoping some people here could help me with some problems I'm having with switching to Linux. These problems are what I see as essential in an modern OS:

    1) I can't for the life of me get flashplayer to work in either Konqueror or Firefox. When firefox (attempts to) load a flash player page, it simply disappears and I get a message box saying that a program's crashed. In Konqueror, I tried to use something called nspluginwrapper, but it too crashes after about 10 second of playing.
    2) Trying to get Skype working, but it just doesn't wanna work. When I enable my microphone, something very strange happens. I get a series of beeps, maybe three beeps of middle C, then it move up a few notes and beeps a bit more, then moves up further and beeps a little more.
    3) Media. God damn media. I want to be able to play mp3's, mpeg videos, wmv's. I have the stuff like Amarok and Kaffeine but they simply don't work. I could try to figure it out but really I'm not bothered trying to figure out a media player that doesn't work out of the box, because seriously that isn't much to ask.
    4) Fonts. Now a lot of people think this is a small issue, but I really can't take an OS seriously if the fonts aren't sharp and smooth. I've already installed Tahoma on Kubuntu, but still the font smoothing isn't the best. I try to read a webpage but I get sick of trying to read blury letters. Turning off the smoothing makes them less blurly of course, but then they look like something out of a 1930's dot matrix printer. (Yes I know dot matrix didn't have printers back then)

    Are these all small issues that can be overcome in an hour? Is it realistic thinking that I can make Linux my main OS? Of course, it will be hard to turn my back on 15 years' experience in another OS (because I do trully know Windows inside out), but something makes me want to broaden my horizons and become a fulltime Linux user. I don't know if it'll be worthwhile, but I'll give it a try nonetheless.

    Re: Essentials for switching

    1) I can't for the life of me get flashplayer to work in either Konqueror or Firefox.
    I don't know what you should do, but it's definately doable. It works for me, and I don't remember doing anything special. The only thing that doesn't work for me is fullscreen (I'm open to suggestions).

    2) Trying to get Skype working
    Can't help there, don't use it.

    3) Media.
    Automatix is your friend in this case. It's, for lack of a better word, another package manager which, among other things, has a bunch of codecs and fonts.

    Also, try VLC, it will happily play just about anything you throw at it.

    4) Fonts.
    Once again, try automatix (

    As you get more experienced, you might want to do this by hand, but Automatix is great for beginners.


      Re: Essentials for switching

      Automatix and Kubuntu don't play well together! You don't need to install Automatix. If you enable the Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted) and Software restricted by copyright or legal issues (multiverse) in Adept Manager (K Menu | System | Adept Manager | Adept | Manage Repositories) you can then, in Adept Manager, install the kubuntu-restricted-extras package:
      This package depends on some commonly used packages in the Kubuntu multiverse repository.
      Installing this package will pull in support for MP3 playback and decoding, Java runtime environment, Flash plugin, DVD playback, and LAME (to create compressed audio files).
      Please note that packages from multiverse are restricted by copyright or legal issues in some countries. See for more information.
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Essentials for switching


        Otherwise there are plenty of threads here about flash

        Or try gnash:

        it is in the repos

        How did you install it?
        What kind of soundcard are you using?
        Get alsamixergui )its in the repos) choose your soundcard and activate mike, mike boost and caprture.
        Check in kmix if the right sound card is chosen.
        When you do the skype testcall do hear the voice?

        Otherwise there are plenty of threads here about skype

        everything snowhog said. Especially pertaining to automatix.
        plus medibuntu:

        Otherwise there are plenty of threads here about media

        get mscorefonts (in the repos)

        your font resolution may be a video card / xorg issue.
        Which type of video card do you have?

        My fonts are cleaner and crisper than at any time in xp.

        Otherwise there are plenty of threads here about fonts

        You might consider making a separate thread for each issue "not solved"

        I hope the above points you in the right direction and welcome to the party
        HP Pavilion dv6 core i7 (Main)
        4 GB Ram
        Kubuntu 18.10


          Re: Essentials for switching

          Well, you found this forum, posted a thread, but did you try a search for your issues?
          Since I made the leap I have found solutions to almost everything I have had an issue with here.
          What sometimes seems lacking here is often answered in the Ubuntu forums.

          Take a quick search for multimedia support, there are howto's, very simple copy and paste instructions for the terminal.

          Once those extra repos are enabled look in adept for flash, works well, but for some reason does not like going full screen.

          Skype, lots of people having issues there, but I just found that turning up the digital input in kmix gets the mic working.

          Fonts, yes the restricted drivers will sort that out, without the need to install Microsofts pirated font sets.
          You don't need a license to drive a sandwich.


            Re: Essentials for switching

            With regards to Flash, i had problems getting it to work, and i really can't recall precisely what i installed to make it work, i think i just installed everything with "mozilla" and "flash" in Adept Manager.

            As for media, i use Kaffeine and Amarok for mp3s, but IIRC, they need the libraries (or something) installed. When i first tried to play an mp3 with Amarok, it asked me if it could install them... so i said "Yes".
            I have a feeling that .mp3 format is native to Windows, so it wouldn't necessarily be installed by default on Linux.

            Kaffeine also happily plays .mpg and .wmv files in fullscreen mode, but i have a feeling that it needs something installed (via Adept) to do so.

            mscorefonts mentioned by Fintan allow you to use whatever MS fonts you wish, all i use are the MS comic sans.
            It may be necessary to go to Control Centre -> Appearance and Themes -> Fonts, and set Anti-aliasing to System Default and Force Fonts DPI to 120. These setting give me a crystal clear display even on an ancient monitor. And Yes, i do spend nearly all my time reading and working on this thing.

            I hope this helps.


              Re: Essentials for switching

              if that doesn't work u need to manually download flash and install it.


              from the adobe site:

              How to install Linux Flash player 9
              Linux (.tar.gz)

              1. Click the "Download .tar.gz" link. A dialog box will appear asking you where to save the file.
              2. Save the .tar.gz file to your desktop and wait for the file to download completely.
              3. Unpack the file. A directory called install_flash_player_9_linux will be created.
              4. In terminal, navigate to this directory and type ./flashplayer-installer to run the installer. Click Enter. The installer will instruct you to shut down your browser(s).
              5. Once the installation is complete, the plug-in will be installed in your Mozilla browser. To verify, launch Mozilla and choose Help > About Plug-ins from the browser menu.
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