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Kinit: No image error since updates 4/5th March 2008

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    Kinit: No image error since updates 4/5th March 2008

    I updated my Kubuntu 7.10 install yesterday and have had problems starting my GUI (Graphical User Interface - desktop) thereafter.

    The computer posts (good),
    The OS starts to load (good),
    The OS sticks boots to terminal mode (bad because I'm ignorant but good because I can use my system albeit (for me) limitedly).

    I tried "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start" but the OS couldn't find kdm,
    I tried "nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf" which presented a blank page!!!
    I tried "nano /etc/x11/default-display-manager" which presented a blank page too!!! (screams of madness and frustration at this point),
    I tried "xstart" at which point I thought "I really love you Linux but sometimes you drive me to drink." It didn't work.
    I tried "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get upgrade" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" In faith that someone clever sod will have spotted and solved an error with the updates but it didn't help.
    Further, I tried "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm" which told me (by error message" that kdm was not installed!!!

    So, using another computer. I did a bit of googling and found a couple of items that solved the no GUI problem, I'm not sure which did the trick but I assume the second item (try at own risk):

    Item 1:

    1, "fdisk -l | grep swap" Which tells you the swap drives name (for me it was sda5)
    2, "sudo swapoff /dev/(drive name)"
    3, "sudo mkswap /dev/(drive)"
    4, "sudo swapon /dev/(drive)"
    5, "sudo update-initramfs -u"

    Item 2:

    1, "sudo apt-get install kdm"
    2, "sudo apt-get remove kdm-kde4"
    3, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm"

    Restarted the system with "sudo shutdown -r now" and the system booted to the log-in screen then (after logging in) the desktop.

    As I said before, Item 2 is probably the one that solved the problem but my google research suggested that an incorrectly set-up swap file can also create the kinit..(blah,blah,blah) error.

    Now, I said I solved the no-GUI problem. I am in my desktop, using Firefox to post here now i.e the GUI works but I have lost all my desktop items (not those in the taskbar) and not all of the icons listed in the taskbar are functional (the System menu is empty. Does anyone know how I can get back my desktop icons and the System menu's listings?

    I hope the above has helped and I hope someone can help me.

    Re: Kinit: No image error since updates 4/5th March 2008

    Just an update to anyone else who may have had a similar problem to the one I outlined above.

    I got my desktop back and solved the taskbar errors by re-installing KDE (version 3).

