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Frequent freezes

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    Frequent freezes

    I wasn't sure whether to put this into hardware or software, because I don't know what's the main reason. Feel free to move it if it turns out I was wrong.

    In the last month or so, my Kubuntu has froze three times. I suspect it has something to do with overstressing it. I'm using some resource-heavy apps, like KDE4, Firefox, Skype and Amarok. The computer is an Athlon 2500+ with 512 RAM, which isn't something to brag about, but it's not that old . My girlfriend, for example, uses pretty much the same thing, only with half the RAM and KDE3, and doesn't complain about such things.

    What happens is that everything freezes down, I can't use the keyboard or the mouse, even Ctrl-Alt-whatever don't work. A strange thing is that the Caps lock and Scroll lock light start flashing, while Num lock stays off. Also, if I'm having a call on Skype, I hear a loud sound.

    I'm not really sure what happened here. Is it just the computer's too weak to run all this stuff or is there something wrong with the hardware? I've even suspected a hacker attack, but couldn't really check it.

    If you have any ideas about it, I'd be glad to hear it.
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