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Adept Installer not working

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    Adept Installer not working

    It seems I had a bad Kubuntu day today. I am new to Kubuntu and I tried to install MP3 support. I followed the instructions as shown here:

    since this is supposed to add the MP3 support as well.

    Something went wrong and now I cannot even start the Adept Manager anymore. If I try to open it I get a message window saying:

    "Could not open cache - Adept installer; The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or some similar problem. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in a terminal as root and see if it helps to resolve the problem."

    I tried to get it working in the terminal, but no success (mainly because I do not know what I am doing)

    PLEASE HELP. Thanks.
    Please help - I need it.

    Re: Adept Installer not working

    Try opening a terminal window and running the commands as suggested, and post their output if you receive any errors or still can't open Adept Manager afterward:
    sudo apt-setup; sudo apt-get update
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: Adept Installer not working

      First of all: Thanks for taking your time and helping.

      This is what I am getting:

      sudo apt-setup
      sudo: apt-setup: command not found

      sudo apt-get update
      E: Type '' is not known on line 75 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list

      Any ideas?
      Please help - I need it.


        Re: Adept Installer not working

        Originally posted by dangoeslinux

        Any ideas?
        Yep -- screwed up source list (am I a genius or what?).

        Potentially, the simplest approach would be for you to do Alt-F2 and enter "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" with no quote marks. This will open your source list file in Kate.

        You need to scroll down the source list and observe the format carefully. When you get down to the line that is named in your error, you are going to see that it is not formed like the ones above it (which work).

        I'm recommending that you just delete that line, and if there's another line that references Medibuntu, delete that one too, make sure there is a blank line at the bottom of the list (i.e. a "return" after the last text line) then save the file. Close Kate, open a Konsole window, and try the apt-get update command again. If it works, then we've fixed the source list problem.

        To enable the Medibuntu repository, go to their web site and follow the "How To" tab, for your Kubuntu version, by copying and pasting the wget and http lines into a Konsole window and executing them there.


          Re: Adept Installer not working

          That worked. Thanks.

          I added all available resources in Adept Manager and performed a system update/upgrade. Everything seems to be up and running again.

          I got the MP3 support working (my initial problem) with:
          sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras

          Perfect. Thanks again.

          Please help - I need it.


            Re: Adept Installer not working

            Good for you! 8)

