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Major package upgrade gives me problems

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    Major package upgrade gives me problems

    Yesterday (Tuesday) I was notified about some updates so I loaded them. Now I am back to a problem I have had twice before. The problem was not solved.

    I bootup in grub's verbose mode,
    after about 50 - 100 lines of screen activity echos,
    the screen goes blank,
    lots of hard drive activity for about 2 or 3 seconds,
    the screen reappears with the verbose activity echos,
    but nothing is happening,
    except the mouse pointer is flashing in the lower right of the screen,
    the last echo is Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local).

    I know the routine to solve the symptoms because it has happened before,
    Press Enter,
    this brings me to a command prompt,
    login as root
    enter password
    type /etc/init.d/kdm restart
    the graphical login screen shows and all is back to normal.

    I tried /etc/init.d/kdm start but I got a message back telling me that kdm is already running.

    This only happens after a major package upgrade!!!!! A package doesn't like my setup!!!!!

    I have checked all the log files and nothing catches my eye
    No major EE in the /var/log/xorg.log or /var/log/xorg.log.old
    Searches show nothing directly on this subject but some close.

    I did a dd on my primary hard drive to a backup drive last Sunday and I compared the two /etc/X11 directories and both are identical.

    This happened to me last autumn and the end result was another clean install. So far it has been good.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

