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Strange problem with partition.

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    Strange problem with partition.

    I installed Kubuntu 7.10 two weeks ago.
    I'm a newbie, sorry for my english.

    I have 2 problem: here I say about a mount problem.

    I have many NTFS partition (6).

    I'm interested to read/write 4 of them under Kubuntu.

    Post installation, I didn't see these partition, so I went to "System Setting" >> "Disks and Partitions" and I try to set manually some mount points.

    I assigned for mount points for 4 partition: /mnt/100GB /mnt/140GB /mnt/200GB /mnt/90GB.

    Post reboot I see these mounts, but they doesn't work.

    So I search on Web, and I installed NTFS-3G + Configurator.

    Problem: the configurator sees only the partition I didn't touch in the previous passage.
    I have again the /mnt/100GB /mnt/140GB .... they don't work, they aren't in fstab!

    I try to specificate the right mount for the partition, but they don't work: es. /dev/sda2 /media/hd2 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=it_IT.UTF-8 0 0

    Who mounts /mnt/100GB ... ? They aren't in fstab!!!!!