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Hotkey to switch between desktops

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    Hotkey to switch between desktops

    I'm running Kubuntu Gutsy on an X61 thinkpad. I have two different, but somewhat related questions.

    Are there hotkeys to switch between virtual desktops? I'm a former gnome user, so I don't know if assuming that control-alt-left|right will move between them is wrong or not, if that's just compiz, or what. Anyway, I don't really know where to look for them, so any help is appreciated.

    Secondly, I'm wondering if there's a utility or settings page somewhere that I can bind something else to switch between them.

    Re: Hotkey to switch between desktops

    K > System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse -> Keyboard Shortcuts | Shortcut Sequences | :

    Desktop Switching > Swith to Desktop 1 | Ctrl+F1 ...


    K > System Settings > Accessibility -> Input Actions (configure hotkey settings)

    I'm wondering if there's a utility or settings page somewhere that I can bind something else to switch between them.
    You can bind hotkeys or/and mouse gestures. KDE has built in mouse gesture system.
    HOWTO : KDE Mouse Gestures
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    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information

